
Better Drugs Anti-HIV Combinations

John Hopkins experts have calculated how well different medications and their combinations works for HIV virus suppression with the help of mathematical formula. The formula…

Rising Of Kids On ADHD Medications

The new study finds that a number of children taking stimulant drugs (like Adderall or Ritalin) for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder treatment are still growing, but in…

“Dispense As Written”

Sometimes patients could notice the next line in their prescription: “dispense as written”. It means pharmacist should fill the prescription with a brand-name drug (which…

Drugs Combination Adverse Effect

According to the research of Harvard Medical School, Vanderbilt University and Stanford University School of Medicine, commonly used the combination of Pravachol (cholesterol-lowering drug) and…

Pharmacists Of The Next Generation

When Pharmacy Times started to collaborate with Parata Systems to investigate, what’s the profile of pharmacist these days, the goals were to get the knowledge…