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Specialty Pharmacy


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Specialty Pharmacy


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Specialty Pharmacy


Specialty Pharmacy


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Specialty Pharmacy


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Specialty Pharmacy


Specialty Pharmacy


Specialty Pharmacy

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(877) 385-0535

6480 Technology Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49009, United States


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  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.
  • Specialty medication access for complex conditions: Ensuring access to specialized medications for patients with complex medical conditions.
  • Clinical and patient support services: Providing clinical and support services to patients receiving specialty medications.
  • Medication management programs: Implementing programs to optimize medication use and outcomes for patients with complex conditions.
  • Insurance and financial aid assistance: Assisting patients in navigating insurance coverage and financial aid options for specialty medications.
  • Care coordination with healthcare providers: Coordinating care and communication between patients, healthcare providers, and specialty pharmacies.


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Optimed Specialty Pharmacy is a Retail Clinic that works from 12/30/2011. It is located at 154 S Kalamazoo Mall, Kalamazoo, MI 49007; 6480 Technology Ave a, Kalamazoo, MI 49009. Pharmacy with a state license, where medications are stored and dispensed at retail prices to a local population. This kind of pharmacies also assist health care providers with advice on medication selection and usage. Beside of dispensing, retail or community pharmacies are also administering vaccinations, health screening and counseling patients.

Health Insurance Plans OPTIMED SPECIALTY PHARMACY accepts