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Dr. Karid Linnette Nieves-Borrero MD

Nephrology Physician


Nephrology Physician

Phone, Open Hours, Reviews & Information

6530 Troost Ave, Kansas City, Missouri 64131, United States
Spoken Languages: Spanish, English, 140
Gender: Female


Pharmacy Blue Star Customer Rating Customer Ratings

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An internist who treats disorders of the kidney, high blood pressure, fluid and mineral balance and dialysis of body wastes when the kidneys do not function. This specialist consults with surgeons about kidney transplantation.

An internist who treats disorders of the kidney, high blood pressure, fluid and mineral balance and dialysis of body wastes when the kidneys do not function. This specialist consults with surgeons about kidney transplantation.

Source: NUCC, CMS

Health Insurance Plans Karid Linnette Nieves-Borrero accepts