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David D Sherry M.D.

Pediatric Rheumatology Physician


Pediatrics Physician


Pain Medicine Physician


Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Physician

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3401 Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, United States
Gender: Male


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A pediatrician who treats diseases of joints, muscle, bones and tendons. A pediatric rheumatologist diagnoses and treats arthritis, back pain, muscle strains, common athletic injuries and "collagen" diseases.

A pediatrician is concerned with the physical, emotional and social health of children from birth to young adulthood. Care encompasses a broad spectrum of health services ranging from preventive healthcare to the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. A pediatrician deals with biological, social and environmental influences on the developing child, and with the impact of disease and dysfunction on development.

Pain Medicine is a primary medical specialty based on a distinct body of knowledge and a well-defined scope of clinical practice that is founded on science, research and education. It is concerned with the study of pain, the prevention of pain, and the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of persons in pain. A comprehensive evaluation incorporates the physical, psychological, cognitive and socio-cultural contributions to pain. The treatment protocol may include pharmacological, invasive, behavioral, cognitive, rehabilitative and complementary strategies provided in a concurrent focused and patient specific manner. The pain medicine physician often serves the patient as a frontline physician regarding their pain, but also may serve as a consultant to other physicians, direct an interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary treatment team, conduct research, or advocate for the patient's pain care with public and private agencies. The Pain Medicine physician may work in variety of settings including office, clinic, hospital, university, or governmental/public agencies.

A pediatrician expert in advanced life support for children from the term or near-term neonate to the adolescent. This competence extends to the critical care management of life-threatening organ system failure from any cause in both medical and surgical patients and to the support of vital physiological functions. This specialist may have administrative responsibilities for intensive care units and also facilitates patient care among other specialists.

Source: NUCC, CMS