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Avrom David Epstein M.D.

Neuro-ophthalmology Physician


Neuro-ophthalmology Physician

Phone, Open Hours, Reviews & Information

262 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215, United States
Gender: Male


Pharmacy Blue Star Customer Rating Customer Ratings

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An ophthalmologist has the knowledge and professional skills needed to provide comprehensive eye and vision care. Ophthalmologists are medically trained to diagnose, monitor and medically or surgically treat all ocular and visual disorders. This includes problems affecting the eye and its component structures, the eyelids, the orbit and the visual pathways. In so doing, an ophthalmologist prescribes vision services, including glasses and contact lenses.

A neuro-ophthalmologist is a subspecialist of ophthalmology. This physician evaluates, treats, and studies disorders of the eye, orbit and nervous system having to do with interactions of the visual motor and visual sensory systems with the central nervous system. Neuro-ophthalmologists manage patients with complex and severe neuro-ophthalmological disorders.

Source: NUCC, CMS