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Dentegra Insurance Company - MRF JSON Import Log

Field Data
Health Insurance IssuerDentegra Insurance Company
Health Insurance Plans6
Last Import DateTue, 10 Sep 2024 06:34 GMT
Import Errors52

MRF Healthcare Data Import Errors of Dentegra Insurance Company

Log ID Type Source Level URL / File
45689--2081827900 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010007, year: 2023

45689--1845315944 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010008, year: 2024

45689--1831309084 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010011, year: 2023

45689--1822423948 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 97762. Allowed issuer list: 61284, 18715, 11339, 45689, 68420Plan ID: 97762VA0010008, year: 2023

45689--1807554799 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010011, year: 2024

45689--1795326098 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010008, year: 2023

45689--1720949141 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 97762VA0010008, year: 2023

45689--1592446451 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010008, year: 2023

45689--1580206991 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010011, year: 2024

45689--1487576188 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010011, year: 2023

45689--1477772293 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010008, year: 2024

45689--1347294242 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 99787. Allowed issuer list: 61284, 18715, 11339, 45689, 68420Plan ID: 99787FL0010007, year: 2023

45689--1325508783 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010007, year: 2024

45689--1271008191 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 99787FL0010007, year: 2023

45689--958814805 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 97762VA0010008, year: 2023

45689--884425554 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010008, year: 2023

45689--872995631 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010011, year: 2024

45689--848448732 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010011, year: 2023

45689--843614888 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010008, year: 2024

45689--597946364 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010007, year: 2023

45689--343394431 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 99787FL0010007, year: 2023

45689--280259439 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010007, year: 2024

45689--127977413 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010008, year: 2024

45689--119496636 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010011, year: 2023

45689--25544783 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010011, year: 2024

45689--23006771 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010008, year: 2023

45689-40940753 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010008, year: 2023

45689-318333793 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 97762. Allowed issuer list: 61284, 18715, 11339, 45689, 68420Plan ID: 97762VA0010007, year: 2023

45689-328978829 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010007, year: 2024

45689-358881403 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010007, year: 2023

45689-418709886 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 97762VA0010007, year: 2023

45689-469739032 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010012, year: 2023

45689-493171181 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010012, year: 2024

45689-546067736 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010007, year: 2023

45689-645111022 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010007, year: 2024

45689-686301837 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010012, year: 2024

45689-774409419 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 99787. Allowed issuer list: 61284, 18715, 11339, 45689, 68420Plan ID: 99787FL0010008, year: 2023

45689-779269496 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010012, year: 2023

45689-828846148 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010008, year: 2024

45689-899978068 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 99787FL0010008, year: 2023

45689-1120989741 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010012, year: 2024

45689-1145726424 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010012, year: 2023

45689-1195426494 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 97762VA0010007, year: 2023

45689-1255267259 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010007, year: 2023

45689-1278087757 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010007, year: 2024

45689-1573222161 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010008, year: 2023

45689-1779519636 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 99787FL0010008, year: 2023

45689-1859318660 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010008, year: 2024

45689-1908897464 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010012, year: 2023

45689-2002641229 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010012, year: 2024

45689-2043043630 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010007, year: 2024

45689-2134480600 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010007, year: 2023


Disclaimer: This is based on import of the data from Healthcare Issuers listed by CMS. While we make every effort to ensure that data is accurate, you should assume all results are unvalidated. Source:, HealthPorta HEALTHCARE MRF API