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Dentegra Insurance Company - MRF JSON Import Log

Field Data
Health Insurance IssuerDentegra Insurance Company
Health Insurance Plans6
Last Import DateTue, 10 Sep 2024 06:34 GMT
Import Errors52

MRF Healthcare Data Import Errors of Dentegra Insurance Company

Log ID Type Source Level URL / File
11339--2012680194 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010007, year: 2024

11339--1932833554 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 99787FL0010007, year: 2023

11339--1724298018 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010011, year: 2024

11339--1713141086 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010008, year: 2023

11339--1625537708 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010008, year: 2024

11339--1616651477 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010011, year: 2023

11339--1583685948 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 97762VA0010008, year: 2023

11339--1439774645 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010011, year: 2023

11339--1426846153 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010008, year: 2024

11339--1408514111 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010008, year: 2023

11339--1397465154 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010011, year: 2024

11339--1155568789 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010007, year: 2023

11339--1072293653 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010011, year: 2023

11339--1062633324 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010008, year: 2024

11339--967423646 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010008, year: 2023

11339--963866850 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010011, year: 2024

11339--923627343 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 99787. Allowed issuer list: 61284, 18715, 11339, 45689, 68420Plan ID: 99787FL0010007, year: 2023

11339--746680530 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 99787FL0010007, year: 2023

11339--675468226 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010007, year: 2024

11339--458577749 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010007, year: 2023

11339--217998210 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010011, year: 2024

11339--205650943 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010008, year: 2023

11339--199000293 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 97762. Allowed issuer list: 61284, 18715, 11339, 45689, 68420Plan ID: 97762VA0010008, year: 2023

11339--180236809 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010008, year: 2024

11339--174388341 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010011, year: 2023

11339--30466812 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 97762VA0010008, year: 2023

11339-160532715 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010008, year: 2024

11339-223489019 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 99787FL0010008, year: 2023

11339-270440994 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010012, year: 2024

11339-377753047 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010012, year: 2023

11339-410709431 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010007, year: 2023

11339-512042049 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010007, year: 2024

11339-537115089 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 97762VA0010007, year: 2023

11339-587800247 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010012, year: 2023

11339-630425922 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010012, year: 2024

11339-728590626 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010007, year: 2024

11339-764584148 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010007, year: 2023

11339-981863550 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010008, year: 2023

11339-1093724033 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010007, year: 2024

11339-1204760183 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010007, year: 2023

11339-1228000791 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010012, year: 2023

11339-1231812516 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 99787. Allowed issuer list: 61284, 18715, 11339, 45689, 68420Plan ID: 99787FL0010008, year: 2023

11339-1336629730 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010012, year: 2024

11339-1390929979 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 99787FL0010008, year: 2023

11339-1445219115 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010008, year: 2024

11339-1697894334 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 45689OK0010008, year: 2023

11339-1915183892 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11339KS0010007, year: 2023

11339-1960356578 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 68420OR0010007, year: 2024

11339-1975130126 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 97762. Allowed issuer list: 61284, 18715, 11339, 45689, 68420Plan ID: 97762VA0010007, year: 2023

11339-2049329794 err plans json

Mandatory field `drug_tier` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 18715IL0010012, year: 2024

11339-2092752247 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61284IA0010012, year: 2023

11339-2142665233 err plans json

Mandatory field `mail_order` in Formulary (`formulary`) sub-type is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 97762VA0010007, year: 2023


Disclaimer: This is based on import of the data from Healthcare Issuers listed by CMS. While we make every effort to ensure that data is accurate, you should assume all results are unvalidated. Source:, HealthPorta HEALTHCARE MRF API