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BEST Life and Health Insurance Company - MRF JSON Import Log

Field Data
Health Insurance IssuerBEST Life and Health Insurance Company
Health Insurance Plans3
Last Import DateTue, 16 Jul 2024 06:14 GMT
Import Errors169

MRF Healthcare Data Import Errors of BEST Life and Health Insurance Company

Log ID Type Source Level URL / File
84033--2134191126 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 75719NV0020008, year: 2024

84033--2128765756 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 93895MT0020008, year: 2024

84033--2072550823 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 42757UT0020006, year: 2024

84033--2071038675 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 26075. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 26075NM0020003, year: 2024

84033--1971497436 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47665TX0020008, year: 2024

84033--1964406648 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47731WY0030007, year: 2024

84033--1882859821 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 71051. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 71051IA0020006, year: 2024

84033--1832627729 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47509OH0020006, year: 2024

84033--1776531605 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 17121FL0020008, year: 2024

84033--1751358595 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 77352AZ0020003, year: 2024

84033--1750709132 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 83557IN0020003, year: 2024

84033--1745444202 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 63790KS0020008, year: 2024

84033--1718452003 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 26075NM0020003, year: 2024

84033--1708780855 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 12538AL0020006, year: 2024

84033--1706730211 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 95051DC0020007, year: 2024

84033--1692342098 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 40254OK0020003, year: 2024

84033--1688194032 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 26904AR0020003, year: 2024

84033--1662341622 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 10046HI0020007, year: 2024

84033--1625432822 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11324MS0020007, year: 2024

84033--1612686542 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 86825. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 86825KY0020003, year: 2024

84033--1588947133 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 89281SC0020007, year: 2024

84033--1583498507 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 50022NE0020003, year: 2024

84033--1567371645 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47509OH0020008, year: 2024

84033--1529899212 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 75719. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 75719NV0020007, year: 2024

84033--1504978937 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 17121FL0020006, year: 2024

84033--1497595376 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 24601TN0020003, year: 2024

84033--1482605062 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 63790KS0020006, year: 2024

84033--1435398747 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 12538AL0020008, year: 2024

84033--1429900326 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 83502GA0020007, year: 2024

84033--1338137204 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 71933PA0020007, year: 2024

84033--1331868538 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 75719NV0020006, year: 2024

84033--1320549464 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 93895MT0020006, year: 2024

84033--1319379702 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 17859. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 17859ID0020007, year: 2024

84033--1272906443 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 42757UT0020008, year: 2024

84033--1192229969 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 75329ND0020007, year: 2024

84033--1181445876 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 26904. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 26904AR0020007, year: 2024

84033--1171601080 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47665TX0020006, year: 2024

84033--1169423317 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 74819AK0020010, year: 2024

84033--1157050303 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 71051IA0020003, year: 2024

84033--1135068261 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 17859ID0020003, year: 2024

84033--1080931905 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 71051. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 71051IA0020008, year: 2024

84033--1050326250 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 29416MO0020007, year: 2024

84033--1025339893 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 94482NC0020007, year: 2024

84033--1020323480 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 17859ID0020006, year: 2024

84033--998247758 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 71051IA0020006, year: 2024

84033--983700549 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47665TX0020003, year: 2024

84033--877737806 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 26075. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 26075NM0020008, year: 2024

84033--863626996 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 86825KY0020007, year: 2024

84033--834854565 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 93895MT0020003, year: 2024

84033--806719883 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 75719NV0020003, year: 2024

84033--792664403 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 86825. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 86825KY0020008, year: 2024

84033--782277874 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 78461LA0020007, year: 2024

84033--766015630 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 35700. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 35700MI0020007, year: 2024

84033--738175695 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 40254OK0020008, year: 2024

84033--733967985 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 26904AR0020008, year: 2024

84033--715120044 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 74819AK0020007, year: 2024

84033--692961982 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 26075NM0020008, year: 2024

84033--690906734 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61214SD0020007, year: 2024

84033--662244885 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 83557IN0020008, year: 2024

84033--658710814 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 77352AZ0020008, year: 2024

84033--657055991 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 63790KS0020003, year: 2024

84033--650315020 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 17121FL0020003, year: 2024

84033--640966429 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 24601TN0020006, year: 2024

84033--586094226 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 74819AK0020012, year: 2024

84033--555051002 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 50022NE0020006, year: 2024

84033--526943807 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 86825. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 86825KY0020006, year: 2024

84033--473109979 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 74819. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 74819AK0020011, year: 2024

84033--468248861 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 26904AR0020006, year: 2024

84033--464008611 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 40254OK0020006, year: 2024

84033--447664070 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 12538AL0020003, year: 2024

84033--421158354 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 26075NM0020006, year: 2024

84033--388927865 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 83557IN0020006, year: 2024

84033--387235442 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 77352AZ0020006, year: 2024

84033--375636081 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 24601TN0020008, year: 2024

84033--364040714 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 35700MI0020007, year: 2024

84033--307006692 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47509OH0020003, year: 2024

84033--291417005 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 95051. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 95051DC0020007, year: 2024

84033--289601686 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 50022NE0020008, year: 2024

84033--256707552 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 71051. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 71051IA0020003, year: 2024

84033--210205180 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 17859ID0020008, year: 2024

84033--198677026 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 71051IA0020008, year: 2024

84033--158700556 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 71933. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 71933PA0020007, year: 2024

84033--83869526 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 42757UT0020003, year: 2024

84033--67545122 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 26075. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 26075NM0020006, year: 2024

84033-8715217 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 93895MT0020007, year: 2024

84033-9774451 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 17859. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 17859ID0020006, year: 2024

84033-22263039 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 75719NV0020007, year: 2024

84033-32726517 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 71933PA0020006, year: 2024

84033-37733254 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 86825KY0020003, year: 2024

84033-140142965 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 26904. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 26904AR0020006, year: 2024

84033-155122646 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 75329ND0020006, year: 2024

84033-191950749 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47731WY0030008, year: 2024

84033-193133650 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 74819AK0020011, year: 2024

84033-199504177 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47665TX0020007, year: 2024

84033-207312001 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 94482NC0020003, year: 2024

84033-266113436 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 29416MO0020003, year: 2024

84033-277114682 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 89281SC0020006, year: 2024

84033-352415565 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 75719. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 75719NV0020006, year: 2024

84033-376423811 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 63790KS0020007, year: 2024

84033-394600574 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 17121FL0020007, year: 2024

84033-409486104 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61214SD0020003, year: 2024

84033-453741475 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 83502GA0020006, year: 2024

84033-467417608 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 95051DC0020008, year: 2024

84033-485383672 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 35700. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 35700MI0020003, year: 2024

84033-494127391 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 10046HI0020008, year: 2024

84033-512014879 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11324MS0020008, year: 2024

84033-535214468 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 78461LA0020003, year: 2024

84033-538480345 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 95051. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 95051DC0020003, year: 2024

84033-550760534 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 89281SC0020008, year: 2024

84033-587901334 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47509OH0020007, year: 2024

84033-594734081 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 84033IL0020001, year: 2024

84033-620033916 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 35700MI0020003, year: 2024

84033-626454561 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 75719. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 75719NV0020008, year: 2024

84033-727454927 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 83502GA0020008, year: 2024

84033-730572132 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 95051DC0020006, year: 2024

84033-736684720 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 12538AL0020007, year: 2024

84033-757356147 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 10046HI0020006, year: 2024

84033-785589619 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11324MS0020006, year: 2024

84033-818067999 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 17859. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 17859ID0020008, year: 2024

84033-832881305 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 71933PA0020008, year: 2024

84033-895418137 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 74819. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 74819AK0020012, year: 2024

84033-901356064 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 42757UT0020007, year: 2024

84033-940439065 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 26904. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 26904AR0020008, year: 2024

84033-942911870 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 71933. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 71933PA0020003, year: 2024

84033-963208378 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 75329ND0020008, year: 2024

84033-992440561 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47731WY0030006, year: 2024

84033-1026438179 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 74819. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 74819AK0020007, year: 2024

84033-1040920234 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 71051. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 71051IA0020007, year: 2024

84033-1090268163 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 29416MO0020008, year: 2024

84033-1132194078 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 94482NC0020008, year: 2024

84033-1146114562 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 47731WY0030003, year: 2024

84033-1195676557 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 71933. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 71933PA0020006, year: 2024

84033-1245163431 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 26075. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 26075NM0020007, year: 2024

84033-1293909529 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 86825KY0020008, year: 2024

84033-1355154459 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 78461LA0020008, year: 2024

84033-1364820408 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 86825. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 86825KY0020007, year: 2024

84033-1369704320 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 11324MS0020003, year: 2024

84033-1375867484 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 74819. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 74819AK0020010, year: 2024

84033-1381201024 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 10046HI0020003, year: 2024

84033-1406066791 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 35700. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 35700MI0020008, year: 2024

84033-1425835927 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 95051DC0020003, year: 2024

84033-1436103204 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 40254OK0020007, year: 2024

84033-1440345754 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 26904AR0020007, year: 2024

84033-1462458967 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 26075NM0020007, year: 2024

84033-1464401543 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61214SD0020008, year: 2024

84033-1495242494 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 83557IN0020007, year: 2024

84033-1495644663 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 77352AZ0020007, year: 2024

84033-1535366543 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 35700MI0020006, year: 2024

84033-1601154090 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 95051. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 95051DC0020006, year: 2024

84033-1620155255 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 78461LA0020006, year: 2024

84033-1671003915 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 35700. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 35700MI0020006, year: 2024

84033-1685891408 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 83502GA0020003, year: 2024

84033-1730109931 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 61214SD0020006, year: 2024

84033-1745180826 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 24601TN0020007, year: 2024

84033-1786138046 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 75719. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 75719NV0020003, year: 2024

84033-1809074915 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 35700MI0020008, year: 2024

84033-1864654975 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 50022NE0020007, year: 2024

84033-1865954118 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 95051. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 95051DC0020008, year: 2024

84033-1878216137 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 89281SC0020003, year: 2024

84033-1890300783 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 29416MO0020006, year: 2024

84033-1927405841 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 17859ID0020007, year: 2024

84033-1932293746 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 94482NC0020006, year: 2024

84033-1974536907 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 71051IA0020007, year: 2024

84033-1984551205 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 75329ND0020003, year: 2024

84033-1997737185 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 71933. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 71933PA0020008, year: 2024

84033-1999457158 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 26904. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 26904AR0020003, year: 2024

84033-2101928309 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 86825KY0020006, year: 2024

84033-2122612486 err plans json

Mandatory field 'formulary' is not present or incorrect. Plan ID: 71933PA0020003, year: 2024

84033-2145519488 err plans json

File describes the issuer that is not defined/allowed by the index CMS PUF.Issuer of Plan: 17859. Allowed issuer list: 12538, 77352, 17121, 83502, 10046, 84033, 83557, 63790, 78461, 29416, 11324, 93895, 94482, 75329, 50022, 47509, 40254, 89281, 61214, 24601, 47665, 42757, 47731Plan ID: 17859ID0020003, year: 2024


Disclaimer: This is based on import of the data from Healthcare Issuers listed by CMS. While we make every effort to ensure that data is accurate, you should assume all results are unvalidated. Source:, HealthPorta HEALTHCARE MRF API