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Sodium chloride - Medication Information

Product NDC Code 0338-9543
Drug Name

Sodium chloride

Type Generic
Pharm Class Increased Large Intestinal Motility [PE],
Inhibition Large Intestine Fluid/Electrolyte Absorption [PE],
Osmotic Activity [MoA],
Osmotic Laxative [EPC]
Active Ingredients
Sodium chloride 9 g/1000ml
RxCUI drug identifier 1807633,
Application Number NDA016677
Labeler Name Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Package NDC Code Description
0338-9543-01 250 ml in 1 bag (0338-9543-01)
0338-9543-02 250 ml in 1 bag (0338-9543-02)
0338-9543-03 500 ml in 1 bag (0338-9543-03)
0338-9543-04 500 ml in 1 bag (0338-9543-04)
0338-9543-05 1000 ml in 1 bag (0338-9543-05)
0338-9543-06 1000 ml in 1 bag (0338-9543-06)
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Overdosage of sodium chloride

Information about signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings of acute ovedosage and the general principles of overdose treatment.
OVERDOSAGE Excessive administration of: • 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP may lead to hypernatremia. Hypernatremia can lead to CNS manifestations, including seizures, coma, cerebral edema and death. • Sodium Chloride Injection, USP can cause fluid overload (which can lead to pulmonary and/or peripheral edema). See WARNINGS and ADVERSE REACTIONS . When assessing an overdose, any additives in the solution must also be considered. The effects of an overdose may require immediate medical attention and treatment. Interventions include discontinuation of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP administration, dose reduction, and other measures as indicated for the specific clinical constellation (e.g., monitoring of fluid balance, electrolyte concentrations and acid base balance).

Adverse reactions

Information about undesirable effects, reasonably associated with use of the drug, that may occur as part of the pharmacological action of the drug or may be unpredictable in its occurrence. Adverse reactions include those that occur with the drug, and if applicable, with drugs in the same pharmacologically active and chemically related class. There is considerable variation in the listing of adverse reactions. They may be categorized by organ system, by severity of reaction, by frequency, by toxicological mechanism, or by a combination of these.
ADVERSE REACTIONS Post-Marketing Adverse Reactions The following adverse reactions have been identified during post approval use of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. The following adverse reactions have been reported in the post-marketing experience during use of 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP and include the following: General disorders and administration site condition s: Infusion site erythema, injection site streaking, burning sensation, and infusion site urticaria Hypersensitivity reactions : Hypotension, pyrexia, tremor, chills, urticaria, rash, and pruritus. Metabolism and nutrition disorders : Hypernatremia, hyponatremia, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. Nervous System Disorders : Hyponatremic encephalopathy If an adverse reaction does occur, discontinue the infusion, evaluate the patient, institute appropriate therapeutic countermeasures and save the remainder of the fluid for examination if deemed necessary.

sodium chloride Drug Interactions

Information about and practical guidance on preventing clinically significant drug/drug and drug/food interactions that may occur in people taking the drug.
Drug Interactions Other Products that Affect Fluid and/or Electrolyte Balance Administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP to patients treated concomitantly with drugs associated with sodium and fluid retention may increase the risk of hypernatremia and volume overload. Avoid use of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients receiving such products, such as corticosteroids or corticotropin. If use cannot be avoided, monitor serum electrolytes, fluid balance and acid base balance. Lithium Renal sodium and lithium clearance may be decreased during administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP. Monitor serum lithium concentration during concomitant use. Renal sodium and lithium clearance may be increased during administration of 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP. Monitor serum lithium concentrations during concomitant use. Other Drugs that Increase the Risk of Hyponatremia Administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients treated concomitantly with medications associated with hyponatremia may increase the risk of developing hyponatremia. Avoid use of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients receiving products, such as diuretics, and certain antiepileptic and psychotropic medications. Drugs that increase the vasopressin effect reduce renal electrolyte free water excretion and may also increase the risk of hyponatremia following treatment with intravenous fluids. If use cannot be avoided, monitor serum sodium concentrations.

Clinical pharmacology

Information about the clinical pharmacology and actions of the drug in humans.
CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY Sodium Chloride Injection, USP has value as a source of water and electrolytes. It is capable of inducing diuresis depending on the clinical condition of the patient.


Information about situations in which the drug product is contraindicated or should not be used because the risk of use clearly outweighs any possible benefit, including the type and nature of reactions that have been reported.


General information about the drug product, including the proprietary and established name of the drug, the type of dosage form and route of administration to which the label applies, qualitative and quantitative ingredient information, the pharmacologic or therapeutic class of the drug, and the chemical name and structural formula of the drug.
DESCRIPTION Sodium Chloride Injection, USP is a sterile, nonpyrogenic solution for fluid and electrolyte replenishment in single dose containers for intravenous administration. It contains no antimicrobial agents. The nominal pH is 5.0 (4.5 to 7.0). Composition, osmolarity, and ionic concentration are shown below: 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP contains 9 g/L Sodium Chloride, USP (NaCl) with an osmolarity of 308 mOsmol/L (calc). It contains 154 mEq/L sodium and 154 mEq/L chloride. VIAFLO is a flexible plastic container fabricated from a multilayer sheeting (PL-2442) composed of Polypropylene (PP), Polyamide (PA) and Polyethylene (PE). The amount of water that can permeate from inside the container into the overwrap is insufficient to affect the solution significantly. Two different administration connectors are available with VIAFLO containers. The VIAFLO dripless access container (DAC) will not drip once the spike is removed. The non-DAC VIAFLO will drip once the spike is removed from the administration port. VIAFLO is not made with natural rubber latex, DEHP, or PVC.

Dosage and administration

Information about the drug product’s dosage and administration recommendations, including starting dose, dose range, titration regimens, and any other clinically sigificant information that affects dosing recommendations.
DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Important Administration Instructions • Sodium Chloride Injection, USP is intended for intravenous administration using sterile equipment. • Do not connect flexible plastic containers in series in order to avoid air embolism due to possible residual air contained in the primary container. • Set the vent to the closed position on a vented intravenous administration set to prevent air embolism. • Use a dedicated line without any connections to avoid air embolism. • Do not pressurize intravenous solutions contained in flexible plastic containers to increase flow rates in order to avoid air embolism due to incomplete evacuation of residual air in the container. • Prior to infusion, visually inspect the solution for particulate matter and discoloration. The solution should be clear and there should be no precipitates. Do not administer unless solution is clear, and container is undamaged. Dosing Information The choice of product, dosage, volume, rate, and duration of administration is dependent upon the age, weight and clinical condition of the patent and concomitant therapy, and administration should be determined by a physician experienced in intravenous fluid therapy. Introduction of Additives Additives may be incompatible. Evaluate all additions to the plastic container for compatibility and stability of the resulting preparation. Consult with a pharmacist, if available. If, in the informed judgment of the physician, it is deemed advisable to introduce additives, use aseptic technique. Mix thoroughly when additives have been introduced. After addition, if there is discoloration and/or the appearance of precipitates, insoluble complexes or crystals, do not use. Do not store solutions containing additives. Discard any unused portion.

Indications and usage

A statement of each of the drug products indications for use, such as for the treatment, prevention, mitigation, cure, or diagnosis of a disease or condition, or of a manifestation of a recognized disease or condition, or for the relief of symptoms associated with a recognized disease or condition. This field may also describe any relevant limitations of use.
INDICATIONS AND USAGE Sodium Chloride Injection, USP is indicated as a source of water and electrolytes. 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP is also indicated for use as a priming solution in hemodialysis procedures.

Spl product data elements

Usually a list of ingredients in a drug product.

Package label principal display panel

The content of the principal display panel of the product package, usually including the product’s name, dosage forms, and other key information about the drug product.
PACKAGE/LABEL PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL Container Label Baxter logo NDC 0338-9543-01 UE1322 Viaflo logo 250 mL 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection USP pH 5.0 (4.5 – 7.0) Osmolarity 308 mOsm/L (calc) Sterile non pyrogenic Single dose container Each 100 mL contains 900 mg Sodium Chloride USP mEq/L Sodium 154 Chloride 154 Additives may be incompatible Consult with pharmacist if available when introducing additives Use aseptic technique Mix thoroughly Do not store Dosage intravenously as directed by a physician See directions Cautions Squeeze and inspect inner bags which maintains product sterility Discard if leaks are found Must not be used in series connections Do not use unless solution is clear Rx Only Store unit in moisture barrier overwrap at room temperature (25°C/77°F) until ready to use Avoid excessive heat See insert VIAFLO is not made with natural rubber latex, DEHP, or PVC Baxter Viaflo and PL-2442 are trademarks of Baxter International Inc For product information 1-800-933-0303 Baxter Healthcare Corporation Deerfield IL 60015 USA Made in Spain BAR CODE (01) 00303389543015 Lot Expiry UN-35-03-047 50 100 150 200 Representative Container Label NDC 0338-9543-01

Spl unclassified section

Information not classified as belonging to one of the other fields. Approximately 40% of labeling with effective_time between June 2009 and August 2014 have information in this field.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE OF VIAFLO PLASTIC CONTAINER For Information on Risk of Air Embolism – see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION. To Open Tear overwrap down side at slit and remove solution container. Visually inspect the container. If the outlet port protector is damaged, detached, or not present, discard container as solution path sterility may be impaired. Some opacity of the plastic due to moisture absorption during the sterilization process may be observed. This is normal and does not affect the solution quality or safety. The opacity will diminish gradually. Check for minute leaks by squeezing inner bag firmly. If leaks are found, discard solution as sterility may be impaired. If supplemental medication is desired, follow directions below. 1. Remove the container from the over wrap just before use. 2. Check for minute leaks by squeezing inner bag firmly. If leaks are found, discard solution, as sterility may be impaired. 3. Check solution for clarity and absence of foreign matter. If solution is not clear or contains foreign matter, discard the solution. Preparation for Administration 1. Suspend container from eyelet support. 2. Remove plastic protector from outlet port at bottom of container. • Grip the small wing on the neck of the port with one hand, • grip the large wing on the cap with the other hand and twist, • the cap will pop off. 3. Use an aseptic method to set up the infusion. 4. Attach administration set. Refer to directions accompanying set for connection, priming of the set and administration of the solution. To Add Medication Additives may be incompatible. To add medication before solution administration 1. Prepare medication site. 2. Using syringe with 19 to 22 gauge needle, puncture resealable medication port and inject. 3. Mix solution and medication thoroughly. For high density medication such as potassium chloride, tap ports gently while ports are upright and mix thoroughly. To add medication during solution administration 1. Close clamp on the set. 2. Prepare medication site. 3. Using syringe with 19 to 22 gauge needle, puncture resealable medication port and inject. 4. Remove container from IV pole and/or turn to an upright position. 5. Evacuate both ports by tapping them gently while container is in the upright position. 6. Mix solution and medication thoroughly. 7. Return container to in-use position and continue administration. Baxter Healthcare Corporation Deerfield, IL 60015 USA Made in Spain SA-30-02-339 Rev. May 2019 Baxter and Viaflo are trademarks of Baxter International Inc. Customers can contact Baxter Medical Information at 1-800-933-0303 for more information on the containers.

Geriatric use

Information about any limitations on any geriatric indications, needs for specific monitoring, hazards associated with use of the drug in the geriatric population.
Geriatric Use Geriatric patents are at increased risk of developing electrolyte imbalances. Sodium Chloride Injection, USP is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of toxic reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Therefore, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy. Consider monitoring renal function in elderly patients.

Nursing mothers

Information about excretion of the drug in human milk and effects on the nursing infant, including pertinent adverse effects observed in animal offspring.
Nursing Mothers It is not known whether this drug is present in human milk. Because many drugs are present in human milk, caution should be exercised when Sodium Chloride Injection, USP is administered to a nursing woman.

Pediatric use

Information about any limitations on any pediatric indications, needs for specific monitoring, hazards associated with use of the drug in any subsets of the pediatric population (such as neonates, infants, children, or adolescents), differences between pediatric and adult responses to the drug, and other information related to the safe and effective pediatric use of the drug.
Pediatric Use The use of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in pediatric patients is based on clinical practice. (See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ). Closely monitor plasma electrolyte concentrations in pediatric patients who may have impaired ability to regulate fluids and electrolytes. In very low birth weight infants, excessive or rapid administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP may result in increased serum osmolality and risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. Children (including neonates and older children) are at increased risk of developing hyponatremia as well as for developing hyponatremic encephalopathy.


Information about effects the drug may have on pregnant women or on a fetus. This field may be ommitted if the drug is not absorbed systemically and the drug is not known to have a potential for indirect harm to the fetus. It may contain information about the established pregnancy category classification for the drug. (That information is nominally listed in the teratogenic_effects field, but may be listed here instead.)
Pregnancy There are no adequate and well controlled studies with Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in pregnant women and animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with this drug. Therefore, it is not known whether Sodium Chloride Injection, USP can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Sodium Chloride Injection, USP should be given during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

How supplied

Information about the available dosage forms to which the labeling applies, and for which the manufacturer or distributor is responsible. This field ordinarily includes the strength of the dosage form (in metric units), the units in which the dosage form is available for prescribing, appropriate information to facilitate identification of the dosage forms (such as shape, color, coating, scoring, and National Drug Code), and special handling and storage condition information.
HOW SUPPLIED The available sizes of each 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in VIAFLO dripless access containers (DAC) and non-DAC plastic containers are shown below. VIAFLO DAC will not drip once the spike is removed. VIAFLO non-DAC will drip once the spike is removed from the administration port: Code Size (mL) Product NDC UE1322 250 Non-DAC 0338-9543-01 UE1322D 250 DAC 0338-9543-02 UE1323 500 Non-DAC 0338-9543-03 UE1323D 500 DAC 0338-9543-04 UE1324 1000 Non-DAC 0338-9543-05 UE1324D 1000 DAC 0338-9543-06 Exposure of pharmaceutical products to heat should be minimized. Avoid excessive heat. It is recommended the product be stored at room temperature (25°C/77°F); brief exposure up to 40°C/104°F does not adversely affect the product.
CodeSize (mL)ProductNDC

General precautions

Information about any special care to be exercised for safe and effective use of the drug.
Patients with Severe Renal Impairment Administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients with or at risk of severe renal impairment, may result in hypernatremia and/or fluid overload (see WARNINGS ). Avoid Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients with severe renal impairment or conditions that may cause sodium and/or potassium retention, fluid overload, or edema. If use cannot be avoided, monitor patients with severe renal impairment for development of these adverse reactions.


Information about any special care to be exercised for safe and effective use of the drug.
PRECAUTIONS Patients with Severe Renal Impairment Administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients with or at risk of severe renal impairment, may result in hypernatremia and/or fluid overload (see WARNINGS ). Avoid Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients with severe renal impairment or conditions that may cause sodium and/or potassium retention, fluid overload, or edema. If use cannot be avoided, monitor patients with severe renal impairment for development of these adverse reactions. Drug Interactions Other Products that Affect Fluid and/or Electrolyte Balance Administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP to patients treated concomitantly with drugs associated with sodium and fluid retention may increase the risk of hypernatremia and volume overload. Avoid use of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients receiving such products, such as corticosteroids or corticotropin. If use cannot be avoided, monitor serum electrolytes, fluid balance and acid base balance. Lithium Renal sodium and lithium clearance may be decreased during administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP. Monitor serum lithium concentration during concomitant use. Renal sodium and lithium clearance may be increased during administration of 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP. Monitor serum lithium concentrations during concomitant use. Other Drugs that Increase the Risk of Hyponatremia Administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients treated concomitantly with medications associated with hyponatremia may increase the risk of developing hyponatremia. Avoid use of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients receiving products, such as diuretics, and certain antiepileptic and psychotropic medications. Drugs that increase the vasopressin effect reduce renal electrolyte free water excretion and may also increase the risk of hyponatremia following treatment with intravenous fluids. If use cannot be avoided, monitor serum sodium concentrations. Pregnancy There are no adequate and well controlled studies with Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in pregnant women and animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with this drug. Therefore, it is not known whether Sodium Chloride Injection, USP can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Sodium Chloride Injection, USP should be given during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. Nursing Mothers It is not known whether this drug is present in human milk. Because many drugs are present in human milk, caution should be exercised when Sodium Chloride Injection, USP is administered to a nursing woman. Pediatric Use The use of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in pediatric patients is based on clinical practice. (See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION ). Closely monitor plasma electrolyte concentrations in pediatric patients who may have impaired ability to regulate fluids and electrolytes. In very low birth weight infants, excessive or rapid administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP may result in increased serum osmolality and risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. Children (including neonates and older children) are at increased risk of developing hyponatremia as well as for developing hyponatremic encephalopathy. Geriatric Use Geriatric patents are at increased risk of developing electrolyte imbalances. Sodium Chloride Injection, USP is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of toxic reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Therefore, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy. Consider monitoring renal function in elderly patients.


Information about serious adverse reactions and potential safety hazards, including limitations in use imposed by those hazards and steps that should be taken if they occur.
WARNINGS Hypersensitivity Hypersensitivity and infusion reactions, including hypotension, pyrexia, tremor, chills, urticaria, rash, and pruritus have been reported with 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP. Stop the infusion immediately if signs or symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction develop, such as tachycardia, chest pain, dyspnea and flushing. Appropriate therapeutic countermeasures must be instituted as clinically indicated. Electrolyte Imbalances Fluid Overload Depending on the volume and rate of infusion, and the patient’s underlying clinical condition, the intravenous administration of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP can cause fluid disturbances such as overhydration/hypervolemia and congested states, including pulmonary congestion and edema. Avoid 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients with or at risk for fluid and/or solute overloading. If use cannot be avoided, monitor fluid balance, electrolyte concentrations, and acid base balance, as needed and especially during prolonged use. Hyponatremia Sodium Chloride Injection, USP may cause hyponatremia. Hyponatremia can lead to acute hyponatremic encephalopathy characterized by headache, nausea, seizures, lethargy, and vomiting. Patients with brain edema are at particular risk of severe, irreversible and life-threatening brain injury. The risk of hospital-acquired hyponatremia is increased in patients with cardiac or pulmonary failure, and in patients with non-osmotic vasopressin release (including SIADH) treated with high volume of Sodium Chloride Injection, USP. The risk for hyponatremia is increased in pediatric patients, elderly patients, postoperative patients, those with psychogenic polydipsia, and in patients treated with medications that increase the risk of hyponatremia (such as diuretics, certain antiepileptic and psychotropic medications). See DRUG INTERACTIONS. Patients at increased risk for developing complications of hyponatremia such as hyponatremic encephalopathy, include pediatric patients, women (in particular pre-menopausal women), patients with hypoxemia, and patients with underlying central nervous system disease. Avoid Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients with or at risk for hyponatremia. If use cannot be avoided, monitor serum sodium concentrations. Rapid correction of hyponatremia is potentially dangerous with risk of serious neurologic complications. Brain adaptations reducing risk of cerebral edema make the brain vulnerable to injury when chronic hyponatremia is too rapidly corrected, which is known as osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS). To avoid complications, monitor serum sodium and chloride concentrations, fluid status, acid-base balance, and signs of neurologic complications. Hypernatremia Hypernatremia may occur with Sodium Chloride Injection, USP. Conditions that may increase the risk of hypernatremia, fluid overload and edema (central and peripheral), include patients with: primary hyperaldosteronism; secondary hyperaldosteronism associated with, for example, hypertension, congestive heart failure, liver disease (including cirrhosis), renal disease (including renal artery stenosis, nephrosclerosis); and pre-eclampsia. Certain medications, such as corticosteroids or corticotropin, may also increase risk of sodium and fluid retention, see DRUG INTERACTIONS . Avoid Sodium Chloride Injection, USP in patients with, or at risk for, hypernatremia. If use cannot be avoided, monitor serum sodium concentrations. Rapid correction of hypernatremia is potentially dangerous with risk of serious neurologic complications. Excessively rapid correction of hypernatremia is also associated with a risk for serious neurologic complications such as osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) with risk of seizures and cerebral edema.

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