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Mitigo - Medication Information

Product NDC Code 66794-160
Drug Name


Type Brand
Pharm Class Full Opioid Agonists [MoA],
Opioid Agonist [EPC]
Active Ingredients
Morphine sulfate 200 mg/20ml
RxCUI drug identifier 1731522,
Application Number ANDA204393
Labeler Name Piramal Critical Care, Inc.
Package NDC Code Description
66794-160-02 1 ml in 1 vial, single-use (66794-160-02)
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Drug abuse and dependence

Information about whether the drug is a controlled substance, the types of abuse that can occur with the drug, and adverse reactions pertinent to those types of abuse.
9 DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE 9.1 Controlled Substance MITIGO ® contains morphine, a Schedule II controlled drug substance. 9.2 Abuse MITIGO ® contains morphine, a substance with high potential for misuse and abuse, which can lead to the development of substance use disorder, including addiction. [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.2 )] . Misuse is the intentional use, for therapeutic purposes, of a drug by an individual in a way other than prescribed by a healthcare provider or for whom it was not prescribed. Abuse is the intentional, non-therapeutic use of a drug, even once, for its desirable psychological or physiological effects. Drug addiction is a cluster of behavioral, cognitive, and physiological phenomena that may include a strong desire to take the drug, difficulties in controlling drug use(e.g., continuing drug use despite harmful consequences, giving a higher priority to drug use than other activities and obligations), and possible tolerance or physical dependence. Misuse and abuse of MITIGO ® increases risk of overdose, which may lead to central nervous system and respiratory depression, hypotension, seizures, and death. The risk is increased with concurrent abuse of MITIGO ® with alcohol and/or other CNS depressants. Abuse of and addiction to opioids in some individuals may not be accompanied by concurrent tolerance and symptoms of physical dependence. In addition, abuse of opioids can occur in the absence of addiction. All patients treated with opioids require careful and frequent reevaluation for signs of misuse, abuse, and addiction, because use of opioid analgesic products carries the risk of addiction even under appropriate medical use. Patients at high risk of MITIGO ® abuse include those with a history of prolonged use of any opioid, including products containing morphine, those with a history of drug or alcohol abuse, or those who use MITIGO ® in combination with other abused drugs. “Drug-seeking” behavior is very common in persons with substance use disorders. Drug-seeking tactics include emergency calls or visits near the end of office hours, refusal to undergo appropriate examination, testing, or referral, repeated “loss” of prescriptions, tampering with prescriptions, and reluctance to provide prior medical records or contact information for other treating healthcare provider(s). “Doctor shopping” (visiting multiple prescribers to obtain additional prescriptions) is common among people who abuse drugs and people with substance use disorder. Preoccupation with achieving adequate pain relief can be appropriate behavior in a patient with inadequate pain control. MITIGO ® , like other opioids, can be diverted for nonmedical use into illicit channels of distribution. Careful recordkeeping of prescribing information, including quantity, frequency, and renewal requests, as required by state and federal law, is strongly advised. Proper assessment of the patient, proper prescribing practices, periodic reevaluation of therapy, and proper dispensing and storage are appropriate measures that help to limit abuse of opioid drugs. Risks Specific to Abuse of MITIGO ® Abuse of MITIGO ® poses a risk of overdose and death. The risk is increased with concurrent use of MITIGO ® with alcohol and/or other CNS depressants. Parenteral drug abuse is commonly associated with transmission of infectious diseases such as hepatitis and HIV. 9.3 Dependence Both tolerance and physical dependence can develop during use of opioid therapy. Tolerance is a physiological state characterized by a reduced response to a drug after repeated administration (i.e., a higher dose of a drug is required to produce the same effect that was once obtained at a lower dose). Physical dependence is a state that develops as a result of a physiological adaptation in response to repeated drug use, manifested by withdrawal signs and symptoms after abrupt discontinuation or a significant dose reduction of a drug. Withdrawal may be precipitated through the administration of drugs with opioid antagonist activity (e.g., naloxone), mixed agonist/antagonist analgesics (e.g., pentazocine, butorphanol, nalbuphine), or partial agonists (e.g., buprenorphine). Physical dependence may not occur to a clinically significant degree until after several days to weeks of continued use. MITIGO ® should not be abruptly discontinued in a physically-dependent patient [see Dosage and Administration ( 2.6 )] . If MITIGO ® is abruptly discontinued in a physically-dependent patient, a withdrawal syndrome may occur, typically characterized by restlessness, lacrimation, rhinorrhea, perspiration, chills, myalgia, and mydriasis. Other signs and symptoms also may develop, including irritability, anxiety, backache, joint pain, weakness, abdominal cramps, insomnia, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, or increased blood pressure, respiratory rate, or heart rate. Infants born to mothers physically dependent on opioids will also be physically dependent and may exhibit respiratory difficulties and withdrawal signs [see Use in Specific Populations ( 8.1 )] .

Overdosage of MITIGO

Information about signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings of acute ovedosage and the general principles of overdose treatment.
10 OVERDOSAGE Clinical Presentation Acute overdose with MITIGO ® can be manifested by respiratory depression, somnolence progressing to stupor or coma, skeletal muscle flaccidity, cold and clammy skin, constricted pupils, and, in some cases, pulmonary edema, bradycardia, hypotension, hypoglycemia, partial or complete airway obstruction, atypical snoring, and death. Marked mydriasis rather than miosis may be seen with hypoxia in overdose situations [see Clinical Pharmacology ( 12.2 )] . Treatment of Overdose In case of overdose, priorities are the reestablishment of a patent and protected airway and institution of assisted or controlled ventilation, if needed. Employ other supportive measures (including oxygen and vasopressors) in the management of circulatory shock and pulmonary edema as indicated. Cardiac arrest or arrhythmias will require advanced life-support measures. Opioid antagonists, such as naloxone, are specific antidotes to respiratory depression resulting from opioid overdose. For clinically significant respiratory or circulatory depression secondary to morphine overdose, administer an opioid antagonist. As the duration of effect of naloxone is considerably shorter than that of epidural or intrathecal morphine, repeated administration may be necessary. Patients should be closely observed for evidence of renarcotization. Because the duration of opioid reversal is expected to be less than the duration of action of morphine in MITIGO ® , particularly with epidural or intrathecal morphine, carefully monitor the patient until spontaneous respiration is reliably re-established. If the response to an opioid antagonist is suboptimal or only brief in nature, administer additional antagonist as directed by the product’s prescribing information. In an individual physically dependent on opioids, administration of the recommended usual dosage of the antagonist will precipitate an acute withdrawal syndrome. The severity of the withdrawal symptoms experienced will depend on the degree of physical dependence and the dose of the antagonist administered. If a decision is made to treat serious respiratory depression in the physically-dependent patient, administration of the antagonist should be begun with care and by titration with smaller than usual doses of the antagonist.

Adverse reactions

Information about undesirable effects, reasonably associated with use of the drug, that may occur as part of the pharmacological action of the drug or may be unpredictable in its occurrence. Adverse reactions include those that occur with the drug, and if applicable, with drugs in the same pharmacologically active and chemically related class. There is considerable variation in the listing of adverse reactions. They may be categorized by organ system, by severity of reaction, by frequency, by toxicological mechanism, or by a combination of these.
6 ADVERSE REACTIONS The following serious adverse reactions are described, or described in greater detail, in other sections: Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.2 )] Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.3 )] Interactions with CNS Benzodiazepines or Other Depressants [ see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.4 )] Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.5 )] Inflammatory Masses [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.6 )] Myoclonic Activity [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.7 )] Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia and Allodynia [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.8 )] Adrenal Insufficiency [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.11 )] Severe Hypotension [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.12 )] Gastrointestinal Adverse Reactions [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.14 )] Seizures [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.15 )] Withdrawal [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.16 )] Urinary Retention [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.18 )] Orthostatic Hypotension [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.19 )] The following adverse reactions associated with the use of morphine were identified in clinical studies or postmarketing reports. Because some of these reactions were reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. The most serious adverse reactions encountered during continuous intrathecal or epidural infusion of MITIGO ® were respiratory depression, myoclonus, and formation of inflammatory masses. The following adverse reactions associated with the use of morphine were identified in clinical studies or postmarketing reports. Because some of these reactions were reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure. The most serious adverse reactions encountered during continuous intrathecal or epidural infusion of MITIGO ® were respiratory depression, myoclonus, and formation of inflammatory masses. Cardiovascular System: While low doses of intravenously administered morphine have little effect on cardiovascular stability, high doses are excitatory, resulting from sympathetic hyperactivity and increase in circulating catecholamines. Excitation of the central nervous system, resulting in convulsions, may accompany high doses of morphine given intravenously. Central Nervous System: myoclonus, seizures, dysphoric reactions, toxic psychosis, dizziness, euphoria, anxiety, confusion, headache. Lumbar puncture-type headache is encountered in a significant minority of cases for several days following intrathecal catheter implantation and generally responds to bed rest and/or other conventional therapy. Gastrointestinal System: Nausea, vomiting, constipation. Skin: Pruritus, urticaria, wheals, and/or local tissue irritation. Genitourinary System: Urinary retention, oliguria, unexplained genital swelling in male patients, following infusion-device implant surgery. Other: Other adverse experiences reported following morphine therapy include depression of cough reflex, interference with thermal regulation, peripheral edema. Serotonin syndrome: Cases of serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition, have been reported during concomitant use of opioids with serotonergic drugs. Adrenal insufficiency: Cases of adrenal insufficiency have been reported with opioid use, more often following greater than one month of use. Anaphylaxis : Anaphylaxis has been reported with ingredients contained in MITIGO ® . Androgen deficiency : Cases of androgen deficiency have occurred with use of opioids for an extended period of time. [see Clinical Pharmacology ( 12.2 )]. Hyperalgesia and Allodynia : Cases of hyperalgesia and allodynia have been reported with opioid therapy of any duration [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.8 )] Hypoglycemia : Cases of hypoglycemia have been reported in patients taking opioids. Most reports were in patients with at least one predisposing risk factor (e.g., diabetes). Most serious adverse reactions were respiratory depression, apnea, circulatory depression, respiratory arrest, shock, and cardiac arrest. Other common frequently observed adverse reactions include: sedation, lightheadedness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. ( 6 ) To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Piramal Critical Care, Inc. at 1-888-822-8431 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or

MITIGO Drug Interactions

Information about and practical guidance on preventing clinically significant drug/drug and drug/food interactions that may occur in people taking the drug.
7 DRUG INTERACTIONS Table 1 includes clinically significant drug interactions with MITIGO ® . Table 1. Clinically Significant Drug Interactions with MITIGO ® Benzodiazepines and Other Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants Clinical Impact: Due to additive pharmacologic effect, the concomitant use of benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants, including alcohol, can increase the risk of hypotension, respiratory depression, profound sedation, coma, and death. The depressant effects of morphine are potentiated by the presence of other CNS depressants. Use of neuroleptics in conjunction with neuraxial morphine may increase the risk of respiratory depression [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4)] . Intervention: Reserve concomitant prescribing of these drugs for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Limit dosages and durations to the minimum required. Follow patients closely for signs of respiratory depression and sedation [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4] . Examples: Alcohol, benzodiazepines and other sedatives/hypnotics, anxiolytics, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, general anesthetics, antipsychotics, psychotropic drugs, antihistamines, neuroleptics, other opioids, alcohol. Serotonergic Drugs Clinical Impact: The concomitant use of opioids with other drugs that affect the serotonergic neurotransmitter system has resulted in serotonin syndrome. Intervention: If concomitant use is warranted, carefully observe the patient, particularly during treatment initiation and dose adjustment. Discontinue MITIGO ® if serotonin syndrome is suspected. Examples: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), triptans, 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, drugs that effect the serotonin neurotransmitter system (e.g., mirtazapine, trazodone, tramadol), certain muscle relaxants (i.e., cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (those intended to treat psychiatric disorders and also others, such as linezolid and intravenous methylene blue). Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) Clinical Impact: MAOI interactions with opioids may manifest as serotonin syndrome or opioid toxicity (e.g., respiratory depression, coma) [see Warnings and Precautions (5.10)] . Intervention: Do not use MITIGO ® in patients taking MAOIs or within 14 days of stopping such treatment. If urgent use of an opioid is necessary, use test doses and frequent titration of small doses of other opioids (such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, or buprenorphine) to treat pain while closely monitoring blood pressure and signs and symptoms of CNS and respiratory depression. Examples: Phenelzine, tranylcypromine, linezolid. Mixed Agonist/Antagonist and Partial Agonist Opioid Analgesics Clinical Impact: May reduce the analgesic effect of MITIGO ® and/or precipitate withdrawal symptoms. Intervention: Avoid concomitant use. Examples: Butorphanol, nalbuphine, pentazocine, buprenorphine. Muscle Relaxants Clinical Impact: Morphine may enhance the neuromuscular blocking action of skeletal muscle relaxants and produce an increased degree of respiratory depression. Intervention: Monitor patients for signs of respiratory depression that may be greater than otherwise expected and decrease the dosage of MITIGO ® and/or the muscle relaxant as necessary. Diuretics Clinical Impact: Opioids can reduce the efficacy of diuretics by inducing the release of antidiuretic hormone. Intervention: Monitor patients for signs of diminished diuresis and/or effects on blood pressure and increase the dosage of the diuretic as needed. Anticholinergic Drugs Clinical Impact: The concomitant use of anticholinergic drugs may increase risk of urinary retention and/or severe constipation, which may lead to paralytic ileus. Intervention: Monitor patients for signs of urinary retention or reduced gastric motility when MITIGO ® is used concomitantly with anticholinergic drugs. Oral P2Y12 Inhibitors Clinical Impact: The co-administration of oral P2Y 12 inhibitors and intravenous morphine sulfate can decrease the absorption and peak concentration of oral P2Y 12 inhibitors and delay the onset of the antiplatelet effect. Intervention: Consider the use of parenteral antiplatelet agent in the setting of acute coronary syndrome requiring co-administration of intravenous morphine sulfate. Examples: Clopidogrel, prasugrel, ticagrelor Serotonergic Drugs : Concomitant use may result in serotonin syndrome. Discontinue MITIGO ® if serotonin syndrome is suspected. ( 7 ) Mixed Agonist/Antagonist and Partial Agonist Opioid Analgesics : Avoid use with MITIGO ® because they may reduce the analgesic effect of MITIGO ® or precipitate withdrawal symptoms.( 7 )
Benzodiazepines and Other Central Nervous System (CNS) Depressants
Clinical Impact:Due to additive pharmacologic effect, the concomitant use of benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants, including alcohol, can increase the risk of hypotension, respiratory depression, profound sedation, coma, and death. The depressant effects of morphine are potentiated by the presence of other CNS depressants. Use of neuroleptics in conjunction with neuraxial morphine may increase the risk of respiratory depression [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4)].
Intervention:Reserve concomitant prescribing of these drugs for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. Limit dosages and durations to the minimum required. Follow patients closely for signs of respiratory depression and sedation [see Warnings and Precautions (5.4].
Examples:Alcohol, benzodiazepines and other sedatives/hypnotics, anxiolytics, tranquilizers, muscle relaxants, general anesthetics, antipsychotics, psychotropic drugs, antihistamines, neuroleptics, other opioids, alcohol.
Serotonergic Drugs
Clinical Impact:The concomitant use of opioids with other drugs that affect the serotonergic neurotransmitter system has resulted in serotonin syndrome.
Intervention:If concomitant use is warranted, carefully observe the patient, particularly during treatment initiation and dose adjustment. Discontinue MITIGO ® if serotonin syndrome is suspected.
Examples:Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), triptans, 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, drugs that effect the serotonin neurotransmitter system (e.g., mirtazapine, trazodone, tramadol), certain muscle relaxants (i.e., cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (those intended to treat psychiatric disorders and also others, such as linezolid and intravenous methylene blue).
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)
Clinical Impact:MAOI interactions with opioids may manifest as serotonin syndrome or opioid toxicity (e.g., respiratory depression, coma) [see Warnings and Precautions (5.10)].
Intervention:Do not use MITIGO ® in patients taking MAOIs or within 14 days of stopping such treatment. If urgent use of an opioid is necessary, use test doses and frequent titration of small doses of other opioids (such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, oxymorphone, hydrocodone, or buprenorphine) to treat pain while closely monitoring blood pressure and signs and symptoms of CNS and respiratory depression.
Examples:Phenelzine, tranylcypromine, linezolid.
Mixed Agonist/Antagonist and Partial Agonist Opioid Analgesics
Clinical Impact:May reduce the analgesic effect of MITIGO ® and/or precipitate withdrawal symptoms.
Intervention:Avoid concomitant use.
Examples:Butorphanol, nalbuphine, pentazocine, buprenorphine.
Muscle Relaxants
Clinical Impact:Morphine may enhance the neuromuscular blocking action of skeletal muscle relaxants and produce an increased degree of respiratory depression.
Intervention:Monitor patients for signs of respiratory depression that may be greater than otherwise expected and decrease the dosage of MITIGO ® and/or the muscle relaxant as necessary.
Clinical Impact:Opioids can reduce the efficacy of diuretics by inducing the release of antidiuretic hormone.
Intervention:Monitor patients for signs of diminished diuresis and/or effects on blood pressure and increase the dosage of the diuretic as needed.
Anticholinergic Drugs
Clinical Impact:The concomitant use of anticholinergic drugs may increase risk of urinary retention and/or severe constipation, which may lead to paralytic ileus.
Intervention:Monitor patients for signs of urinary retention or reduced gastric motility when MITIGO ® is used concomitantly with anticholinergic drugs.
Oral P2Y12 Inhibitors
Clinical Impact:The co-administration of oral P2Y 12 inhibitors and intravenous morphine sulfate can decrease the absorption and peak concentration of oral P2Y 12 inhibitors and delay the onset of the antiplatelet effect.
Intervention:Consider the use of parenteral antiplatelet agent in the setting of acute coronary syndrome requiring co-administration of intravenous morphine sulfate.
Examples:Clopidogrel, prasugrel, ticagrelor

Clinical pharmacology

Information about the clinical pharmacology and actions of the drug in humans.
12 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 12.1 Mechanism of Action Morphine is a full opioid agonist and is relatively selective for the mu-opioid receptor, although it can bind to other opioid receptors at higher doses. The principal therapeutic action of morphine is analgesia. Like all full opioid agonists, there is no ceiling effect for analgesia with morphine. Clinically, dosage is titrated to provide adequate analgesia and may be limited by adverse reactions, including respiratory and CNS depression. The precise mechanism of the analgesic action is unknown. However, specific CNS opioid receptors for endogenous compounds with opioid-like activity have been identified throughout the brain and spinal cord and are thought to play a role in the analgesic effects of this drug. 12.2 Pharmacodynamics Effects on the Central Nervous System Morphine produces respiratory depression by direct action on brain stem respiratory centers. The respiratory depression involves a reduction in the responsiveness of the brain stem respiratory centers to both increases in carbon dioxide tension and electrical stimulation. Morphine causes miosis, even in total darkness. Pinpoint pupils are a sign of opioid overdose but are not pathognomic (e.g., pontine lesions of hemorrhagic or ischemic origins may produce similar findings). Marked mydriasis rather than miosis may be seen due to hypoxia in overdose situations. Both early and late respiratory depression (up to 24 hours post dosing) have been reported following neuraxial administration. Circulation of the spinal fluid may also result in high concentrations of morphine reaching the brain stem directly. Effects on the Gastrointestinal Tract and Other Smooth Muscle Morphine causes a reduction in motility associated with an increase in smooth muscle tone in the antrum of the stomach and duodenum. Digestion of food in the small intestine is delayed and propulsive contractions are decreased. Propulsive peristaltic waves in the colon are decreased, while tone may be increased to the point of spasm, resulting in constipation. Other opioid-induced effects may include a reduction in biliary and pancreatic secretions, spasm of sphincter of Oddi, and transient elevations in serum amylase. Effects on the Cardiovascular System Morphine produces peripheral vasodilation which may result in orthostatic hypotension or syncope. Manifestations of histamine release and/or peripheral vasodilation may include pruritis, flushing, red eyes and sweating and/or orthostatic hypotension. Effects on the Endocrine System Opioids inhibit the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and lutenizing hormone (LH) in humans [see Adverse Reactions ( 6 )] . They also stimulate prolactin, growth hormone (GH) secretion, and pancreatic secretion of insulin and glucagon. Use of opioids for an extended period of time may influence the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, leading to androgen deficiency that may manifest as low libido, impotence, erectile dysfunction, amenorrhea, or infertility. The causal role of opioids in the clinical syndrome of hypogonadism is unknown because the various medical, physical, lifestyle, and psychological stressors that may influence gonadal hormone levels have not been adequately controlled for in studies conducted to date [see Adverse Reactions ( 6 )] . Effects on the Immune System Opioids have been shown to have a variety of effects on components of the immune system in in vitro and animal models. The clinical significance of these findings is unknown. Overall, the effects of opioids appear to be modestly immunosuppressive. Concentration – Efficacy Relationships The minimum effective analgesic concentration will vary widely among patients, especially among patients who have been previously treated with opioid agaonists. The minimum effective analgesic concentration of morphine for any individual patient may increase over time due to an increase in pain, the development of a new pain syndrome and/or the development of analgesic tolerance [see Dosage and Administration ( 2.1 , 2.5 )] . Concentration – Adverse Reaction Relationships There is a relationship between increasing morphine plasma concentration and increasing frequency of dose-related opioid adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, CNS effects, and respiratory depression. In opioid-tolerant patients, the situation may be altered by the development of tolerance to opioid-related adverse reactions [see Dosage and Administration ( 2.1 , 2.2 , 2.6 )] . 12.3 Pharmacokinetics Epidural Administration Absorption Morphine, injected into the epidural space, is rapidly absorbed into the general circulation. Absorption is so rapid that the plasma concentration-time profiles closely resemble those obtained after intravenous or intramuscular administration. Peak plasma concentrations averaging 33–40 ng/mL (range 5–62 ng/mL) are achieved within 10 to 15 minutes after administration of 3 mg of morphine. Distribution Plasma concentrations decline in a multiexponential fashion. CSF concentrations of morphine, after epidural doses of 2 to 6 mg in postoperative patients, have been reported to be 50 to 250 times higher than corresponding plasma concentrations. The CSF levels of morphine exceed those in plasma after only 15 minutes and are detectable for as long as 20 hours after the injection of 2 mg of epidural morphine. Approximately 4% of the dose injected epidurally reaches the CSF. This corresponds to the relative minimum effective epidural and intrathecal doses of 5 mg and 0.25 mg, respectively. The disposition of morphine in the CSF follows a biphasic pattern, with an early half-life of 1.5 h and a late phase half-life of about 6 h. Morphine crosses the dura slowly, with an absorption half-life across the dura averaging 22 minutes. Maximum CSF concentrations are seen 60–90 minutes after injection. Minimum effective CSF concentrations for postoperative analgesia average 150 ng/mL (range < 1-380 ng/mL). Elimination The terminal half-life is reported to range from 39 to 249 minutes (mean of 90 ± 34.3 min) for epidural administration. Metabolism The major pathway of clearance is hepatic glucuronidation to morphine-3-glucuronide, which is pharmacologically inactive. Excretion The major excretion path of the morphine-3-glucuronide conjugate is through the kidneys, with about 10% in the feces. Morphine is also eliminated by the kidneys, 2 to 12% being excreted unchanged in the urine. Intrathecal Administration Absorption Time-to-peak plasma concentrations, however, are similar (5-10 min) after either epidural or intrathecal bolus administration of morphine. Maximum plasma morphine concentrations after 0.3 mg intrathecal morphine have been reported from < 1 to 7.8 ng/mL. The minimum analgesic morphine plasma concentration during Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) has been reported as 20–40 ng/mL, suggesting that any analgesic contribution from systemic redistribution would be minimal after the first 30–60 minutes with epidural administration and virtually absent with intrathecal administration of morphine. Distribution The intrathecal route of administration circumvents meningeal diffusion barriers and, therefore, lower doses of morphine produce comparable analgesia to that induced by the epidural route. After intrathecal bolus injection of morphine, there is a rapid initial distribution phase lasting 15–30 minutes and a half- life in the CSF of 42–136 min (mean 90 ± 16 min). Derived from limited data, it appears that the disposition of morphine in the CSF, from 15 minutes post intrathecal administration to the end of a six- hour observation period, represents a combination of the distribution and elimination phases. Morphine concentrations in the CSF averaged 332 ± 137 ng/mL at 6 hours, following a bolus dose of 0.3 mg of morphine. The apparent volume of distribution of morphine in the intrathecal space is about 22 ± 8 mL.


Information about situations in which the drug product is contraindicated or should not be used because the risk of use clearly outweighs any possible benefit, including the type and nature of reactions that have been reported.
4 CONTRAINDICATIONS MITIGO ® is contraindicated in patients with: • Significant respiratory depression [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.2 )] • Acute or severe bronchial asthma in an unmonitored setting or in the absence of resuscitative equipment [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.9 )] • Concurrent use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or use of MAOIs within the last 14 days [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.10 ), Drug Interactions ( 7 )] • Known or suspected gastrointestinal obstruction, including paralytic ileus [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.14 ] • Hypersensitivity to morphine (e.g., anaphylaxis) [see Adverse Reactions ( 6 )] Neuraxial administration of MITIGO ® is contraindicated in patients with: • Infection at the injection microinfusion site [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.1 )] • Concomitant anticoagulant therapy [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.1 ) ] • Uncontrolled bleeding diathesis [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.1 )] • The presence of any other concomitant therapy or medical condition which would render epidural or intrathecal administration of medication especially hazardous. Significant respiratory depression ( 4 ) Acute or severe bronchial asthma in an unmonitored setting in absence of resuscitative equipment ( 4 ) Concurrent use of monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) or use of MAOIs within the last 14 days ( 4 ) Known or suspected gastrointestinal obstruction, including paralytic ileus ( 4 ) Hypersensitivity or intolerance to morphine ( 4 ) Neuraxial administration of MITIGO ® is contraindicated in patients with: Infection at the injection microinfusion site ( 4 ) Concomitant anticoagulant therapy ( 4 ) Uncontrolled bleeding diathesis ( 4 ) The presence of any other concomitant therapy or medical condition which would render epidural or intrathecal administration of medication especially hazardous. ( 4 )


General information about the drug product, including the proprietary and established name of the drug, the type of dosage form and route of administration to which the label applies, qualitative and quantitative ingredient information, the pharmacologic or therapeutic class of the drug, and the chemical name and structural formula of the drug.
11 DESCRIPTION MITIGO ® (morphine sulfate injection, USP – Preservative-free) is an opioid agonist, available as a sterile, nonpyrogenic, isobaric, high potency solution of morphine sulfate in strengths of 10 mg or 25 mg morphine sulfate per mL, free of antioxidants, preservatives or other potentially neurotoxic additives. MITIGO ® is intended for use in continuous microinfusion devices for intraspinal administration in the management of pain. Morphine is the most important alkaloid of opium and is a phenanthrene derivative. It is available as the sulfate salt, chemically identified as 7,8-Didehydro-4,5- epoxy- 17-methyl-(5α,6α)-morphinan-3,6-diol sulfate (2:1) (salt), pentahydrate, with the following structural formula: (C 17 H 19 NO 3 ) 2 • H 2 SO 4 • 5H 2 O Molecular Weight = 758.83 Morphine sulfate USP is an odorless, white crystalline powder with a bitter taste. It has a solubility of 1 in 21 parts of water and 1 in 1000 parts of alcohol, but is practically insoluble in chloroform or ether. The octanol:water partition coefficient of morphine is 1.42 at physiologic pH and the pKa is 7.9 for the tertiary nitrogen (the majority is ionized at pH 7.4). Each mL of MITIGO ® 200 mg/20 mL contains morphine sulfate, USP 10 mg and sodium chloride 8 mg in Water for Injection, USP. Each mL of MITIGO ® 500 mg/20 mL contains morphine sulfate, USP 25 mg and sodium chloride 6.25 mg in Water for Injection, USP. If needed, sodium hydroxide and/or sulfuric acid are added for pH adjustment to 4.5. Contains no preservative. Each 20mL vial of MITIGO ® is intended for SINGLE USE ONLY. mitigo-structure

Dosage and administration

Information about the drug product’s dosage and administration recommendations, including starting dose, dose range, titration regimens, and any other clinically sigificant information that affects dosing recommendations.
2 DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION 2.1 Important Dosage and Administration Instructions MITIGO ® should be administered by or under the direction of a physician experienced in the techniques of epidural or intrathecal administration and familiar with the patient management problems associated with epidural or intrathecal drug administration. MITIGO ® should be prescribed only by healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about the use of opioids and how to mitigate the associated risks. Because of the risk of delayed respiratory depression, patients should be observed in a fully equipped and staffed environment for at least 24 hours after each test dose and, as indicated, for the first several days after surgery. Because epidural administration has been associated with less potential for immediate or late adverse effects than intrathecal administration, the epidural route should be used whenever possible. For safety reasons, it is recommended that administration of MITIGO ® 200 mg/20 mL and 500 mg/20mL (10 and 25 mg/mL, respectively) by the intrathecal route be limited to the lumbar area. MITIGO ® 200 mg/20 mL and 500 mg/20 mL (10 and 25 mg/mL, respectively) should not be used for single-dose neuraxial injection because lower doses can be more reliably administered with the standard preparation of morphine sulfate injection, USP (0.5 and 1 mg/mL). Candidates for neuraxial administration of MITIGO ® in a continuous microinfusion device should be hospitalized to provide for adequate patient monitoring during assessment of response to single doses of intrathecal or epidural morphine. Hospitalization should be maintained for several days after surgery involving the infusion device for additional monitoring and adjustment of daily dosage. The facility must be equipped with resuscitative equipment, oxygen, naloxone injection and other resuscitative drugs. A period of observation appropriate to the clinical situation should follow each refill or manipulation of the drug reservoir. Before discharge, the patient and attendant(s) should receive instruction in the proper home care of the device and insertion site and in the recognition and practical treatment of an overdose of neuraxial morphine. Familiarization with the continuous microinfusion device is essential. The desired amount of morphine should be withdrawn from the vial through a microfilter. To minimize risk from glass or other particles, the product must be filtered through a 5 μ (or smaller) microfilter before injecting into the microinfusion device. If dilution is required, 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection is recommended. Reservoir filling must be performed by fully trained and qualified personnel, following the directions provided by the device manufacturer. Care should be taken in selecting the proper refill frequency to prevent depletion of the reservoir, which would result in exacerbation of severe pain, onset of opioid withdrawal symptoms, and/or reflux of cerebrospinal fluid into some devices. Strict aseptic technique is required to avoid bacterial contamination and serious infection. Extreme care must be taken to ensure that the needle is properly inserted into the filling port of the device before attempting to refill the reservoir. Injecting the solution into the tissue around the device or (in the case of devices that have more than one port) attempting to inject the refill dose into the direct injection port will result in a large, clinically significant, overdosage to the patient. Safety and Handling Instructions: MITIGO ® is supplied in sealed vials. Accidental dermal exposure should be treated by the removal of any contaminated clothing and rinsing the affected area with water. Inspect parenteral drug products for particulate matter before opening the amber vials and again for color after removing contents from the vial. Do not use if the solution in the unopened vial contains a precipitate which does not disappear upon shaking. After removal, do not use unless the solution is colorless or pale yellow. MITIGO® is intended for single-dose only. Protect from light, discard any unused portion. Do not heat-sterilize. 2.2 Initial Dosage The starting dose of MITIGO ® must be individualized, based upon in-hospital evaluation of the response to serial single-dose epidural or intrathecal bolus injections of regular morphine sulfate injection, USP 0.5 mg/mL or 1 mg/mL, with close observation for analgesic efficacy and adverse effects prior to surgery involving the continuous microinfusion device. Use the lowest effective dosage for the shortest duration of time consistent with individual patient treatment goals [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5 )] . Because the risk of overdose increases as opioid doses increase, reserve titration to higher doses of MITIGO ® for patients in whom lower doses are insufficiently effective and in whom the expected benefits of using a higher dose opioid clearly outweigh the substantial risks. There is variability in the opioid analgesic dose and duration needed to adequately manage pain due both to the cause of pain and to individual patient factors. Initiate the dosing regimen for each patient individually, taking into account the patient’s underlying cause and severity of pain, prior analgesic treatment and response, and risk factors for addiction, abuse, and misuse [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.1 ) ]. Respiratory depression can occur at any time during opioid therapy, especially when initiating and following dosage increases with MITIGO ® . Consider this risk when selecting an initial dose and when making dose adjustments [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5 )] . 2.3 Dosage for Epidural Administration The recommended initial epidural dose in patients who are not tolerant to opioids ranges from 3.5 to 7.5 mg/day. The usual starting dose for continuous epidural infusion, based upon limited data in patients who have some degree of opioid tolerance, is 4.5 to 10 mg/day. The dose requirements may increase significantly during treatment, frequently to 20-30 mg/day. The upper daily limit for each patient must be individualized. 2.4 Dosage for Intrathecal Administration The recommended initial lumbar intrathecal dose range in patients with no tolerance to opioids is 0.2 to 1 mg/day. The published range of doses for individuals who have some degree of opioid tolerance varies from 1 to 10 mg/day. The upper daily dosage limit for each patient must be individualized. • Intrathecal dosage is usually 1/10 that of epidural dosage. 2.5 Titration and Maintenance of Therapy Individually titrate MITIGO ® to a dose that provides adequate analgesia and minimizes adverse reactions. Continually reevaluate patients receiving MITIGO ® to assess the maintenance of pain control, signs and symptoms of opioid withdrawal, and other adverse reactions, as well as to reassess for the development of addiction, abuse, or misuse [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.3 , 5.16 )] . Frequent communication is important among the prescriber, other members of the healthcare team, the patient, and the caregiver/family during periods of changing analgesic requirements, including initial titration. If the level of pain increases after dosage stabilization, attempt to identify the source of the increased pain before increasing the MITIGO ® dosage. If after increasing the dosage, unacceptable opioid-related adverse reactions are observed (including an increase in pain after a dosage increase), consider reducing the dosage [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5 )] . Adjust the dosage to obtain an appropriate balance between management of pain and opioid-related adverse reactions. Limited experience with continuous intrathecal infusion of morphine has shown that the daily doses have to be increased over time. Although the rate of increase, over time, in the dose required to sustain analgesia is highly variable, an estimate of the expected rate of increase is shown in the following Figure. Doses above 20 mg/day should be employed with caution since they may be associated with a higher likelihood of serious side effects [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.2 , 5.7 ) and Adverse Reactions ( 6 )] . If unacceptable opioid-related adverse reactions are observed, consider reducing the dosage. Adjust the dosage to obtain an appropriate balance between management of pain and opioidrelated adverse reactions. 2.6 Safe Reduction or Discontinuation of MITIGO ® When a patient who has been taking MITIGO ® regularly and may be physically dependent or no longer requires therapy with MITIGO ® , taper the dose gradually while monitoring carefully for signs and symptoms of withdrawal. If the patient develops these signs or symptoms, raise the dose to the previous level and taper more slowly, either by increasing the interval between decreases, decreasing the amount of change in dose, or both. Do not stop MITIGO ® abruptly in a physically-dependent patient [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.15 ), Drug Abuse and Dependence ( 9.3 )]. MITIGO ® should be prescribed only by healthcare professionals who are knowledgeable about the use of opioids and how to mitigate the associated risks. ( 2.1 ) Should be administered by or under the direction of a physician experienced in the techniques of epidural or intrathecal administration. ( 2.1 ) Patients should be observed in a fully equipped and staffed environment for at least 24 hours after each test dose and, as indicated, for the first several days after surgery. ( 2.1 ) Use the lowest effective dosage for the shortest duration of time consistent with individual patient treatment goals. Reserve titration to higher doses of MITIGO ® for patients in whom lower doses are insufficiently effective and in whom the expected benefits of using a higher dose opioid clearly outweigh the substantial risks. ( 2.1 , 5 ) Initiate the dosing regimen for each patient individually, taking into account the patient’s underlying cause and severity of pain, prior analgesic treatment and response, and risk factors for addiction, abuse, and misuse. ( 2.1 , 5.2 ) Respiratory depression can occur at any time during opioid therapy, especially when initiating and following dosage increases with MITIGO ® . Consider this risk when selecting an initial dose and when making dose adjustments. ( 2.1 , 5.3 ) Initial Dosage: Must be individualized, based upon in-hospital evaluation of the response to serial singledose epidural bolus injections of regular morphine sulfate injection, USP 0.5 mg/mL or 1 mg/mL, with close observation for analgesic efficacy and adverse effects prior to surgery involving the continuous microinfusion device. ( 2.2 ) Dosage for Epidural Administration: Initial dose range of 3.5 to 7.5 mg/day for patients with no tolerance to opioids. The usual starting dose for continuous epidural infusion in patients with some degree of opioid tolerance is 4.5 to 10 mg/day and may increase significantly during treatment to 20-30 mg/day. ( 2.3 ) Dosage for Intrathecal Administration: Initial dose range of 0.2 to 1 mg/day for patients with no tolerance to opioids. The range of doses for patients with some degree of opioid tolerance varies from 1 to 10 mg/day. Doses above 20 mg/day should be employed with caution. ( 2.4 ) Do not abruptly discontinue MITIGO ® in a physically- dependent patient. ( 2.6 ) mitigo-1

Dosage forms and strengths

Information about all available dosage forms and strengths for the drug product to which the labeling applies. This field may contain descriptions of product appearance.
3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS 3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS Injection: 200 mg per 20 mL (10 mg/mL) Preservative-free amber glass single-dose vials Injection: 500 mg per 20 mL (25 mg/mL) Preservative-free amber glass single-dose vials Injection: 200 mg/20 mL (10 mg/mL) Preservative-free amber glass single-dose vials Injection: 500 mg/20 mL (25 mg/mL) Preservative-free amber glass single-dose vials ( 3 )

Indications and usage

A statement of each of the drug products indications for use, such as for the treatment, prevention, mitigation, cure, or diagnosis of a disease or condition, or of a manifestation of a recognized disease or condition, or for the relief of symptoms associated with a recognized disease or condition. This field may also describe any relevant limitations of use.
1 INDICATIONS & USAGE MITIGO ® is for use in continuous microinfusion devices and indicated only for intrathecal or epidural infusion in the management of intractable chronic pain severe enough to require an opioid analgesic and for which less invasive means of controlling pain are inadequate. Limitations of Use Not for single-dose intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous administration due to the risk of overdose. Not for single-dose neuraxial injection because MITIGO ® is too concentrated for accurate delivery of the smaller doses used in this setting. MITIGO ® should not be used for an extended period of time unless the pain remains severe enough to require an opioid analgesic and for which alternative treatment options continue to be inadequate. MITIGO ® is an opioid agonist, for use in continuous microinfusion devices and indicated only for intrathecal or epidural infusion in the management of intractable chronic pain severe enough to require an opioid analgesic and for which alternative treatments are inadequate. ( 1 ) Limitations of Use : ( 1 ) Not for single-dose intravenous, intramuscular, or subcutaneous administration due to the risk of overdose. Not for single-dose neuraxial injection because MITIGO ® is too concentrated for accurate delivery of the smaller doses used in this setting. MITIGO ® should not be used for an extended period of time unless the pain remains severe enough to require an opioid analgesic and for which alternative treatment options continue to be inadequate.

Spl product data elements

Usually a list of ingredients in a drug product.

Nonclinical toxicology

Information about toxicology in non-human subjects.
13 NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY 13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility Carcinogenesis Long-term studies in animals to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of morphine have not been conducted. Mutagenesis No formal studies to assess the mutagenic potential of morphine have been conducted. In the published literature, morphine was found to be mutagenic in vitro increasing DNA fragmentation in human T-cells. Morphine was reported to be mutagenic in the in vivo mouse micronucleus assay and positive for the induction of chromosomal aberrations in mouse spermatids and murine lymphocytes. Mechanistic studies suggest that the in vivo clastogenic effects reported with morphine in mice may be related to increases in glucocorticoid levels produced by morphine in this species. In contrast to the above positive findings, in vitro studies in the literature have also shown that morphine did not induce chromosomal aberrations in human leukocytes or translocations or lethal mutations in Drosophila. Impairment of Fertility No formal nonclinical studies to assess the potential of morphine to impair fertility have been conducted. Several nonclinical studies from the literature have demonstrated adverse effects on male fertility in the rat from exposure to morphine. One study in which male rats were administered morphine sulfate subcutaneously prior to mating (up to 30 mg/kg twice daily) and during mating (20 mg/kg twice daily) with untreated females, a number of adverse reproductive effects including reduction in total pregnancies and higher incidence of pseudopregnancies at 20 mg/kg/day (3.2 times the HDD) were reported. Studies from the literature have also reported changes in hormonal levels in male rats (i.e. testosterone, luteinizing hormone) following treatment with morphine at 10 mg/kg/day or greater (1.6 times the HDD). Female rats that were administered morphine sulfate intraperitoneally prior to mating exhibited prolonged estrous cycles at 10 mg/kg/day (1.6 times the HDD).

Package label principal display panel

The content of the principal display panel of the product package, usually including the product’s name, dosage forms, and other key information about the drug product.
PACKAGE LABEL.PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL NDC 66794-160-02 MITIGO ® Morphine® Sulfate Injection USP, CII 200 mg/20 mL (10 mg/mL) NOT FOR IV, IM or SC INJECTION FOR NEURAXIAL ADMINISTRATION IN CONTINUOUS MICROINFUSION DEVICES 20 mL Single Use Vial (Preservative-free) NDC 66794-160-02 MITIGO ® Morphine Sulfate Injection USP, CII 200 mg/20 mL (10 mg/mL) NOT FOR IV, IM or SC INJECTION FOR NEURAXIAL ADMINISTRATION IN CONTINUOUS MICROINFUSION DEVICES 20 mL Single Use Vial (Preservative-free) NDC 66794-162-02 MITIGO ® Morphine Sulfate Injection USP, CII 500 mg/20 mL (25 mg/mL) NOT FOR IV, IM or SC INJECTION FOR NEURAXIAL ADMINISTRATION IN CONTINUOUS MICROINFUSION DEVICES 20 mL Single Use Vial (Preservative-free) NDC 66794-162-02 MITIGO ® Morphine Sulfate Injection USP, CII 500 mg/20 mL (25 mg/mL) NOT FOR IV, IM or SC INJECTION FOR NEURAXIAL ADMINISTRATION IN CONTINUOUS MICROINFUSION DEVICES 20 mL Single Use Vial (Preservative-free) 18 18 18 18

Recent major changes

A list of the section(s) that contain substantive changes that have been approved by FDA in the product labeling. The headings and subheadings, if appropriate, affected by the change are listed together with each section’s identifying number and the month and year on which the change was incorporated in the labeling.
Boxed Warning 12/2023 Indications and Usage ( 1 ) 12/2023 Dosage and Administration ( 2.2 , 2.5 ) 12/2023 Warnings and Precautions ( 5.8 ) 12/2023

Spl unclassified section

Information not classified as belonging to one of the other fields. Approximately 40% of labeling with effective_time between June 2009 and August 2014 have information in this field.
17 PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse Inform patients that the use of MITIGO ® , even when taken as recommended, can result in addiction, abuse, and misuse, which can lead to overdose and death [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.2 )] . Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression Inform patients of the risk of life-threatening respiratory depression, including information that the risk is greatest when starting MITIGO ® or when the dosage is increased, and that it can occur even at recommended dosages [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.3 )] . Advise patients how to recognize respiratory depression and to seek medical attention if breathing difficulties develop. Hyperalgesia and Allodynia Advise patients to inform their healthcare provider if they experience symptoms of hyperalgesia, including worsening pain, increased sensitivity to pain, or new pain [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.8 ); Adverse Reactions ( 6.2 )] . Serotonin Syndrome Inform patients that MITIGO ® could cause a rare but potentially life-threatening condition resulting from concomitant administration of serotonergic drugs. Warn patients of the symptoms of serotonin syndrome and to seek medical attention right away if symptoms develop after discharge from the hospital. Instruct patients to inform their physicians if they are taking, or plan to take serotonergic medications [see Drug Interactions ( 7 ) ]. MAOI Interaction Inform patients not to take MITIGO ® while using any drugs that inhibit monoamine oxidase. Patients should not start MAOIs while taking MITIGO ® [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.10 ), Drug Interactions ( 7 )]. Driving or Operating Heavy Machinery Inform patients that MITIGO ® may impair the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities such as driving a car or operating heavy machinery. Advise patients not to perform such tasks until they know how they will react to the medication [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.17 ) ]. Constipation Advise patients of the potential for severe constipation, including management instructions and when to seek medical attention [see Adverse Reactions ( 6 ) ]. Hypotension Inform patients that MITIGO ® may cause orthostatic hypotension and syncope. Instruct patients how to recognize symptoms of low blood pressure and how to reduce the risk of serious consequences should hypotension occur (e.g., sit or lie down, carefully rise from a sitting or lying position) [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.12 ) ]. Anaphylaxis Inform patients that anaphylaxis have been reported with ingredients contained in MITIGO ® . Advise patients how to recognize such a reaction and when to seek medical attention [see Contraindications ( 4 ), Adverse Reactions ( 6 )] . Pregnancy Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome Inform female patients of reproductive potential that use of MITIGO ® for an extended period of time during pregnancy can result in neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, which may be life-threatening if not recognized and treated [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.5 ), Use in Specific Populations ( 8.1 )] . Embryo-Fetal Toxicity Inform female patients of reproductive potential that MITIGO ® can cause fetal harm and to inform the healthcare provider of a known or suspected pregnancy [see Use in Specific Populations ( 8.3 )] . Lactation Advise nursing mothers to monitor infants for increased sleepiness (more than usual), breathing difficulties, or limpness. Instruct nursing mothers to seek immediate medical care if they notice these signs [see Use in Specific Populations ( 8.2 )]. Infertility Inform patients that use of opioids for an extended period of time may cause reduced fertility. It is not known whether these effects on fertility are reversible [see Adverse Reactions ( 6 )] . Manufactured For: Piramal Critical Care Bethlehem PA, 18017, USA (888) 822-8431 Issued 09/2024 17

Use in specific populations

Information about use of the drug by patients in specific populations, including pregnant women and nursing mothers, pediatric patients, and geriatric patients.
8 USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS 8.1 Pregnancy Risk Summary Use of opioid analgesics for an extended period of time during pregnancy may cause neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.5 )] . Available data with MITIGO ® in pregnant women are insufficient to inform a drug-associated risk for major birth defects and miscarriage. There are adverse outcomes reported with fetal exposure to opioid analgesics (see Clinical Considerations) . Published studies with morphine use during pregnancy have not reported a clear association with morphine and major birth defects [see Human Data] . In published animal reproduction studies, morphine administered subcutaneously during the early gestational period produced neural tube defects (i.e., exencephaly and cranioschisis) at 5 and 16 times the human daily dose of 60 mg based on body surface area (HDD) in hamsters and mice, respectively, lower fetal body weight and increased incidence of abortion at 0.4 times the HDD in the rabbit, growth retardation at 6 times the HDD in the rat, and axial skeletal fusion and cryptorchidism at 16 times the HDD in the mouse. Administration of morphine sulfate to pregnant rats during organogenesis and through lactation resulted in cyanosis, hypothermia, decreased brain weights, pup mortality, decreased pup body weights, and adverse effects on reproductive tissues at 3-4 times the HDD; and long-term neurochemical changes in the brain of offspring which correlate with altered behavioral responses that persist through adulthood at exposures comparable to and less than the HDD [see Animal Data] . Based on animal data, advise pregnant women of the potential risk to a fetus. The background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage for the indicated population is unknown. All pregnancies have a background risk of birth defect, loss, or other adverse outcomes. In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2 to 4% and 15 to 20%, respectively. Clinical Considerations Fetal/Neonatal Adverse Reactions Use of opioid analgesics for an extended period of time during pregnancy for medical or nonmedical purposes can result in physical dependence in the neonate and neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome shortly after birth. Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome presents as irritability, hyperactivity and abnormal sleep pattern, high pitched cry, tremor, vomiting, diarrhea, and failure to gain weight. The onset, duration, and severity of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome vary based on the specific opioid used, duration of use, timing and amount of last maternal use, and rate of elimination of the drug by the newborn. Observe newborns for symptoms of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and manage accordingly [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.5 ] . Labor or Delivery MITIGO ® 200 mg/20 mL and 500 mg/20 mL (10 and 25 mg/mL, respectively) are too highly concentrated for routine use in obstetric neuraxial analgesia. Opioids, including intravenously,epidurally, and intrathecally administered morphine, readily cross the placenta and may produce respiratory depression and psycho-physiologic effects in neonates. An opioid antagonist, such as naloxone, and resuscitative equipment must be available for reversal of opioid-induced respiratory depression in the neonate. MITIGO ® is not recommended for use in pregnant women during or immediately prior to labor, when other analgesic techniques are more appropriate.Opioid analgesics, including MITIGO ® , can prolong labor through actions which temporarily reduce the strength, duration, and frequency of uterine contractions. However, this effect is not consistent and may be offset by an increased rate of cervical dilation, which tends to shorten labor. Monitor neonates exposed to opioid analgesics during labor for signs of excess sedation and respiratory depression. Data Human Data The results from a population-based prospective cohort, including 70 women exposed to morphine during the first trimester of pregnancy and 448 women exposed to morphine at any time during pregnancy, indicate no increased risk for congenital malformations. However, these studies cannot definitely establish the absence of any risk because of methodological limitations, including small sample size and non-randomized study design. Animal Data Formal reproductive and developmental toxicology studies for morphine have not been conducted. Exposure margins for the following published study reports are based on human daily dose of 60 mg morphine using a body surface area comparison (HDD). Neural tube defects (exencephaly and cranioschisis) were noted following subcutaneous administration of morphine sulfate (35-322 mg/kg) on Gestation Day 8 to pregnant hamsters (4.7 to 43.5 times the HDD). A no adverse effect level was not defined in this study and the findings cannot be clearly attributed to maternal toxicity. Neural tube defects (exencephaly), axial skeletal fusions, and cryptorchidism were reported following a single subcutaneous (SC) injection of morphine sulfate to pregnant mice (100-500 mg/kg) on Gestation Day 8 or 9 at 200 mg/kg or greater (16 times the HDD) and fetal resorption at 400 mg/kg or higher (32 times the HDD). No adverse effects were noted following 100 mg/kg morphine in this model (8 times the HDD). In one study, following continuous subcutaneous infusion of doses greater than or equal to 2.72 mg/kg to mice (0.2 times the HDD), exencephaly, hydronephrosis, intestinal hemorrhage, split supraoccipital, malformed sternebrae, and malformed xiphoid were noted. The effects were reduced with increasing daily dose; possibly due to rapid induction of tolerance under these infusion conditions. The clinical significance of this report is not clear. Decreased fetal weights were observed in pregnant rats treated with 20 mg/kg/day morphine sulfate (3.2 times the HDD) from Gestation Day 7 to 9. There was no evidence of malformations despite maternal toxicity (10% mortality). In a second rat study, decreased fetal weight and increased incidences of growth retardation were noted at 35 mg/kg/day (5.7 times the HDD) and there was a reduced number of fetuses at 70 mg/kg/day (11.4 times the HDD) when pregnant rats were treated with 10, 35, or 70 mg/kg/day morphine sulfate via continuous infusion from Gestation Day 5 to 20. There was no evidence of fetal malformations or maternal toxicity. An increased incidence of abortion was noted in a study in which pregnant rabbits were treated with 2.5 (0.8 times the HDD) to 10 mg/kg morphine sulfate via subcutaneous injection from Gestation Day 6 to 10. In a second study, decreased fetal body weights were reported following treatment of pregnant rabbits with increasing doses of morphine (10-50 mg/kg/day) during the pre-mating period and 50 mg/kg/day (16 times the HDD) throughout the gestation period. No overt malformations were reported in either publication; although only limited endpoints were evaluated. In published studies in rats, exposure to morphine during gestation and/or lactation periods is associated with: decreased pup viability at 12.5 mg/kg/day or greater (2 times the HDD); decreased pup body weights at 15 mg/kg/day or greater (2.4 times the HDD); decreased litter size, decreased absolute brain and cerebellar weights, cyanosis, and hypothermia at 20 mg/kg/day (3.2 times the HDD); alteration of behavioral responses (play, social-interaction) at 1 mg/kg/day or greater (0.2 times the HDD); alteration of maternal behaviors (e.g., decreased nursing and pup retrievals) in mice at 1 mg/kg or higher (0.08 times the HDD) and rats at 1.5 mg/kg/day or higher (0.2 times the HDD); and a host of behavioral abnormalities in the offspring of rats, including altered responsiveness to opioids at 4 mg/kg/day (0.7 times the HDD) or greater. Fetal and/or postnatal exposure to morphine in mice and rats has been shown to result in morphological changes in fetal and neonatal brain and neuronal cell loss, alteration of a number of neurotransmitter and neuromodulator systems, including opioid and nonopioid systems, and impairment in various learning and memory tests that appear to persist into adulthood. These studies were conducted with morphine treatment usually in the range of 4 to 20 mg/kg/day (0.7 to 3.2 times the HDD). Additionally, delayed sexual maturation and decreased sexual behaviors in female offspring at 20 mg/kg/day (3.2 times the HDD), and decreased plasma and testicular levels of luteinizing hormone and testosterone, decreased testes weights, seminiferous tubule shrinkage, germinal cell aplasia, and decreased spermatogenesis in male offspring were also observed at 20 mg/kg/day (3.2 times the HDD). Decreased litter size and viability were observed in the offspring of male rats that were intraperitoneally administered morphine sulfate for 1 day prior to mating at 25 mg/kg/day (4.1 times the HDD) and mated to untreated females. Decreased viability and body weight and/or movement deficits in both first and second generation offspring were reported when male mice were treated for 5 days with escalating doses of 120 to 240 mg/kg/day morphine sulfate (9.7 to 19.5 times the HDD) or when female mice treated with escalating doses of 60 to 240 mg/kg/day (4.9 to 19.5 times the HDD) followed by a 5- day treatment-free recovery period prior to mating. Similar multigenerational findings were also seen in female rats pre-gestationally treated with escalating doses of 10 to 22 mg/kg/day morphine (1.6 to 3.6 times the HDD). 8.2 Lactation Risk Summary Morphine is present in breast milk. Published lactation studies report variable concentrations of morphine in breast milk with administration of immediate-release morphine to nursing mothers in the early postpartum period with a milk-to-plasma morphine AUC ratio of 2.5:1 measured in one lactation study. However, there is insufficient information to determine the effects of morphine on the breastfed infant and the effects of morphine on milk production. Lactation studies have not been conducted with MITIGO ® , and no information is available on the effects of the drug on the breastfed infant or the effects of the drug on milk production. The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother’s clinical need for MITIGO ® and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from MITIGO ® or from the underlying maternal condition. Clinical Considerations Monitor infants exposed to MITIGO ® through breast milk for excess sedation and respiratory depression. Withdrawal symptoms can occur in breastfed infants when maternal administration of morphine is stopped, or when breastfeeding is stopped. 8.3 Females and Males of Reproductive Potential Infertility Use of opioids for an extended period of time may cause reduced fertility in females and males of reproductive potential. It is not known whether these effects on fertility are reversible [see Adverse Reactions ( 6 ), Clinical Pharmacology ( 12.2 ] . In published animal studies, morphine administration adversely effected fertility and reproductive endpoints in male rats and prolonged estrus cycle in female rats [see Nonclinical Toxicology ( 13 )] . 8.4 Pediatric Use Adequate studies to establish the safety and effectiveness of spinal morphine in pediatric patients have not been performed, and usage in this population is not recommended. 8.5 Geriatric Use Elderly patients (aged 65 years or older) may have increased sensitivity to MITIGO ® . In general, use caution when selecting a dosage for an elderly patient, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy. Respiratory depression is the chief risk for elderly patients treated with opioids, and has occurred after large initial doses were administered to patients who were not opioidtolerant or when opioids were co-administered with other agents that depress respiration. Titrate the dosage of MITIGO ® slowly in geriatric patients and monitor closely for signs of central nervous system and respiratory depression [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.8 )]. The pharmacodynamic effects of neuraxial morphine in the elderly are more variable than in the younger population. Patients will vary widely in the effective initial dose, rate of development of tolerance and the frequency and magnitude of associated adverse effects as the dose is increased. Initial doses should be based on careful clinical observation following “test doses”, after making due allowances for the effects of the patient’s age and infirmity on his/her ability to clear the drug, particularly in patients receiving epidural morphine. Morphine is known to be substantially excreted by the kidney, and the risk of adverse reactions to this drug may be greater in patients with impaired renal function. Because elderly patients are more likely to have decreased renal function, care should be taken in dose selection, and it may be useful to monitor renal function. 8.6 Hepatic or Renal Impairment The elimination half-life of morphine may be prolonged in patients with reduced metabolic rates and with hepatic and/or renal dysfunction. Hence, care should be exercised in administering MITIGO ® epidurally to patients with these conditions. High blood morphine levels, due to reduced clearance, may take several days to develop. Pregnancy : May cause fetal harm. ( 8.1 ) Hepatic and Renal Impairment : May affect the metabolism and excretion of MITIGO®. ( 8.6 ) See 17 for PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION. Revised: 09/2024

How supplied

Information about the available dosage forms to which the labeling applies, and for which the manufacturer or distributor is responsible. This field ordinarily includes the strength of the dosage form (in metric units), the units in which the dosage form is available for prescribing, appropriate information to facilitate identification of the dosage forms (such as shape, color, coating, scoring, and National Drug Code), and special handling and storage condition information.
16 HOW SUPPLIED/STORAGE AND HANDLING MITIGO ® (morphine sulfate injection, USP), is a preservative-free solution, supplied in amber vials for epidural or intrathecal administration via a continuous microinfusion device as follows: MITIGO ® 200 mg/20 mL (10 mg/mL) – NDC 66794-160-02: Single-Dose amber vials packaged individually MITIGO ® 500 mg/20 mL (25 mg/mL) – NDC 66794-162-02: Single-Dose amber vials packaged individually MITIGO ® is supplied in sealed vials. Accidental dermal exposure should be treated by the removal of any contaminated clothing and rinsing the affected area with water. PROTECT FROM LIGHT. Keep stored in carton until time of use. Store at 20˚ - 25˚C (68˚ - 77˚F), excursions permitted to 15˚ - 30˚C (59˚ - 86˚F) [See USP Controlled Room Temperature]. DO NOT FREEZE. MITIGO ® contains no preservative or antioxidant. Each 20 mL vial of MITIGO ® is intended for SINGLE DOSE ONLY. Discard any unused portion. Do not heat-sterilize. To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Piramal Critical Care, Inc. at 1-888- 822-8431 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or For Product Inquiry call 1-888-822-8431.

Boxed warning

Information about contraindications or serious warnings, particularly those that may lead to death or serious injury.
WARNING: SERIOUS AND LIFE-THREATENING RISKS FROM USE OF MITIGO ® WARNING: SERIOUS AND LIFE-THREATENING RISKS FROM USE OF MITIGO ® Risks with Neuraxial Administration Single-dose neuraxial administration may result in acute or delayed respiratory depression up to 24 hours. Because of the risk of severe adverse reactions when MITIGO ® is administered by the epidural or intrathecal route of administration, patients must be observed in a fully equipped and staffed environment for at least 24 hours after the initial dose [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.1 )] . Addiction, Abuse, and Misuse Because of the risk of severe adverse reactions when MITIGO ® is administered by the epidural or intrathecal route of administration, patients must be observed in a fully equipped and staffed environment for at least 24 hours after the initial (single) test dose and, as appropriate, for the first several days after catheter implantation [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.2 )] . Life-Threatening Respiratory Depression Serious, life-threatening, or fatal respiratory depression may occur with use of MITIGO ® , especially during initiation or following a dose increase. To reduce the risk of respiratory depression, proper dosing and titration of MITIGO ® are essential [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.3 )] . Risks From Concomitant Use With Benzodiazepines Or Other CNS Depressants Concomitant use of opioids with benzodiazepines or other central nervous system (CNS) depressants, including alcohol, may result in profound sedation, respiratory depression, coma, and death. Reserve concomitant prescribing of MITIGO ® and benzodiazepines or other CNS depressants for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.4 ), Drug Interaction ( 7 )] . Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) If opioid use is required for an extended period of time in a pregnant woman, advise the patient of the risk of NOWS, which may be life-threatening if not recognized and treated. Ensure that management by neonatology experts will be available at delivery. [see Warnings and Precautions ( 5.5 )]. WARNING: SERIOUS AND LIFE-THREATENING RISKS FROM USE OF MITIGO ® See full prescribing information for complete boxed warning. Single-dose neuraxial administration may result in acute or delayed respiratory depression up to 24 hours. Because of the risk of severe adverse reactions when MITIGO ® is administered by the epidural or intrathecal route of administration, patients must be observed in a fully equipped and staffed environment for at least 24 hours after the initial dose ( 5.1 ) . MITIGO ® exposes users to the risks of opioid addiction, abuse, and misuse, which can lead to overdose and death. Assess patient’s risk before prescribing and reassess regularly for these behaviors and conditions. ( 5.2 ) Serious, life-threatening, or fatal respiratory depression may occur with use of MITIGO ® , especially during initiation or following a dosage increase. To reduce the risk of respiratory depression, proper dosing and titration of MITIGO ® are essential.( 5.3 ) Concomitant use of opioids with benzodiazepines or other central nervous system (CNS) depressants, including alcohol, may result in profound sedation, respiratory depression, coma, and death. Reserve concomitant prescribing for use in patients for whom alternative treatment options are inadequate. ( 5.4 , 7 ) If opioid use is required for an extended period of time in a pregnant woman, advise the patient of the risk of Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome, which may be life threatening if not recognized and treated. Ensure that management by neonatology experts will be available at delivery. ( 5.5 )

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