UF College of Pharmacy Ascends to No. 4 in Recent U.S. News & World Report Rankings
Gainesville, Florida — The University of Florida College of Pharmacy has hit a high, climbing to the No. 4 slot in the U.S. News & World Report list...
The Pharmacy Transformation: From Manual Dispensing to Patient-Centered Care
The pharmacy profession has transformed remarkably, from manual medication dispensing to a crucial role in patient-centered care. Monica Trivedi...
Boosting the Doctor Search Feature at Pharmacy-Near-Me.com: Now With Over 790,000 Medical Spots
Pharmacy-Near-Me.com has lately beefed up their doctor search service, adding a huge 791,209 more spots to its huge list. This big boost helps...
Future of Pharmacy
What would the future pharmacy look like? What influences pharmacy’s evolution? New technologies and advancements in medicine are changing the way...
Pharmacy near me – search term in the US
Finding a reliable pharmacy nearby can be a great relief when you need medication or other pharmaceutical products. But how can you find the best...
The Impact of Healthcare Data on Pharmacies in the United States
Healthcare data is a crucial component of the healthcare ecosystem, offering insights and information that can be harnessed to improve patient care...
Issues with machine-readable data in the US healthcare industry
The need for digitalization in the healthcare sector has grown over time. It is one of the US’s fastest-growing industries. Although there have been...
Data and API updates of Pharmacy Near Me
The US healthcare system has long been hampered by the need for more open data and the resulting complications that come with it. As a result...
Add a Drug Discount Card on an Android Phone
Pharmacy Near Me® Drug Discount Card works on Android devices now. To add it to your device to get a discount in any Pharmacy in the United States you...