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Walmart Rolls Out Child Care at Work to Help Worker Moms and Dads

Colorful Mosaic Hanging in Little Squiggles Welcome and Reception Area

One cold March morning in 2021, Tyler Thomason stood in line at 5 a.m., two hours before the sign-up at a kid care spot in Rogers, Arkansas, began. He had waited six months to get one of two open baby spots and was set on getting one for his little one.

Tyler and his wife Rebecca had a challenging year-long search for affordable, high-quality child care near their workplace in Bentonville. They needed a reasonably priced facility, excellent educational programs, and a convenient location. Their struggle was not unique. A survey conducted at Walmart’s future Home Office revealed an intense desire among employees for on-site child care.

Walmart said it would open the Little Squiggles Children’s Enrichment Center on May 6. The Walton family funded this 73,000-square-foot center, hoping to add 500 more child care spots, increasing the area by 15%.

Bright Horizons, known for its top-notch care, will run Little Squiggles, helping kids grow, encouraging parents to participate, and balancing work and home life.

Little Squiggles will have:

Rebecca and Tyler, who now have two girls, were thrilled. Rebecca praised Little Squiggles for its learning, warm staff, and sense of community. Close care meant less driving and more time with family. Walmart’s move means more than helping working parents like the Thomasons; it’s about companies really looking out for workers’ families. Read more about this effort here.

Do you find it hard to manage work and family? Could child care at work help? Think about how this support might benefit you and your loved ones. Read more about this initiative here.

Nick Alexson

Nick Alexson spent many years working in the field of healthcare, especially in its technical part. Gained much experience in Open Data and Machine Readable Formats used in the industry. Also, built several IT projects that were designed to help people with their healthcare decisions. Now he is an editor and author of Pharmacy Near Me

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