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CVS Health COVID-19 Vaccines in 29 States

CVS Health COVID-19 Vaccines in 29 states

Recently CVS Health announced that they have nearly doubled the number of states where select CVS Pharmacy locations are offering COVID-19 vaccines to eligible populations through the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program (FRPP). The company is now administering vaccines in nearly 1,200 stores across 29 states and Puerto Rico.

“We’re increasing the number of active stores and expanding to additional states as fast as supply allows, with the capacity to administer 20-25 million shots per month,” said Karen S. Lynch, President and Chief Executive Officer, CVS Health. “We’re also focused on priority populations, including vulnerable communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic as well as teachers and school support staff.”

Federal Retail Pharmacy Program

On March 2 the Biden Administration announced that for the month of March, FRPP participants would prioritize vaccinating pre-K through 12 educators and staff and child care workers. From March 3 to March 10, this population accounted for more than 30 percent of COVID-19 vaccine appointments at CVS Pharmacy locations. Appointments in the newly activated states and jurisdictions will start to become available for booking on Saturday, March 13. Vaccines in a retail setting are offered on an appointment-only.

“President Biden’s decision to double the number of participants in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program is a testament to its success, and an acknowledgment that pharmacies will continue to be one of the most convenient vaccine access points.  It’s also a recognition of the incredible efforts of health care professionals at CVS Pharmacy and elsewhere, who continue to be a critical community resource and are standing by ready to do more.

The President’s focus on helping educators get vaccinated is clearly having an impact.  Pre-K through 12 educators and staff and child care workers have accounted for more than 30 percent of COVID-19 vaccine appointments at CVS Pharmacy locations in the past week, and will continue to be a priority going forward.” – said Karen S. Lynch, President and Chief Executive Officer, CVS Health.

CVS Health COVID-19 Vaccines In Long-term Care Facilities

Since CVS Health began administering COVID-19 vaccine doses to residents and staff at over 40,000 long-term care facilities across the country in late December, there has been a dramatic drop in COVID-19 cases and deaths. In fact, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services data, between December 20 and February 21 there has been a 94 percent decrease in COVID-19 cases, and an 84 percent decrease in COVID-19 deaths.

The Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care (LTC) Program is facilitating on-site vaccination of residents and staff at more than 65,000 enrolled long-term care facilities (LTCFs) while reducing the burden on LTCF administrators, clinical leadership, and health departments. At no cost to facilities, the program provides end-to-end management of the COVID-19 vaccination process, including cold chain management, on-site vaccinations, and fulfillment of reporting requirements.

“Per the company’s publicly available data, CVS Pharmacy teams have completed second doses at all skilled nursing facilities, and third and final visits are 90 percent complete. Second doses at assisted living and other facilities are 91 percent complete, with more than half of third and final visits complete.1 CVS Health has administered nearly 4.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses through the Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program,” – CVS report.

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